On the afternoon of September 5th, the reporter learned from the Hainan-Marseilles joint press conference of Hainan Gibbon, Haikou, France, that in early March 2021, the Hainan Gibbon Monitoring Team of the Bawangling Branch of the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration found that Hainan Gibbon B One infant ape was newly added to the two family groups in group D and group D, each of which was 7 months old and 6 months old. Continuous monitoring showed that the two infant apes were in good health and their growth and development were normal.

So far, the population of Hainan gibbons has increased from 5 groups of 33 in 2020 to 5 groups of 35.

  The Hainan Gibbon is endemic to Hainan, currently only distributed in the pilot area of ​​the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park System. It is a national Class I key protected wild animal and one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world. It is assessed by the World Conservation Union Is critically endangered.

According to experts from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), among the 20 species of gibbons in the world, the Hainan gibbons are the only species that can maintain a slow population growth.

(Lin Shijie, Zhao Lei's video source Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]