The post Carina Bergfeldt published led to a million kronor being collected for the aid organization.

She herself believes that SVT's ethics department has given her the green light for the fundraiser.

According to the same department, it should instead be an "unhappily worded message".

- It is true that an employee wrote a message to Carina Bergfeldt who interpreted this as an approval.

From our horizon, it was unhappily worded.

I can understand that she interpreted it as a kind of okay for program ethics, says Albert Svanberg at SVT's ethics department to Medierna in P1.

"Great thing for SVT and Carina"

SVT's management says that they too have learned from the discussion that has arisen.

- It will be an individual who is very exposed.

There, I think we must always see how we can give better support to an employee, both before and after something like this happens.

It was an unfortunate formulation from program ethics where it could be perceived that SVT subsequently blessed this post, says Anne Lagercrantz who is division manager for SVT News.

She says that the management and Carina Bergfeldt in consultation decided that restrictions would be introduced in her coverage area, from day one.

- You can not monitor what you are involved in. In Carina's case, this means that she can not monitor the Swedish Afghanistan Committee, as well as Afghanistan and aid.

This is a big thing both for SVT and for Carina who is an appreciated and skilled employee, says Anne Lagercrantz.

"So proud of you"

When SVT Nyheter is looking for Carina Bergfeldt, she does not want to be interviewed but refers to a post on social media.

Among other things, it can be read that:

"It did not get any better that I tried to explain in an interview how it burned in my head and I wanted to help and [...] used the not fully thought out phrase 'fuck it", she writes and continues to express her pride in the money received by the aid organization:

"For those who do not know me, I just want to clearly say that I do NOT think 'fuck it' about SVT's rules.

And that I have not done it in five years.

On the other hand, despite my own ill-conceived formulation, I will always be so proud of you, who together donated over one million kronor to those in urgent need. ”

Great interest in impartiality and trust

Anne Lagercrantz does not believe that an event like this will undermine confidence in SVT:

- But it shows that there is great interest in how we handle impartiality and trust. It also reflects this discussion.