free space

stalk evil

Faisal Mohammed Al-Shamry

04 September 2021

Evil..a poet of ignorant hostility from the tramps and his name is Thabit bin Jaber, from the people of Tihama in the Hijaz. It was said about him that “If he was hungry, he did not stand up for him, so he would look at the antelope and select the fattest of them according to his gaze, then run behind him and not miss it until he takes it, slaughters it with his sword, then roasts it and eats it. And he hardly sees it because of his speed.” And his favorite poem describes an evil that describes the life of the Tramp, his adventures, and his steadfastness on his principles.

The tramps occupied the invasion of tribes with the intention of taking from the rich and giving the outcasts or the poor, and they did not recognize the treaties or agreements between their tribes and other tribes, which led to their expulsion by their tribes, and thus they lived a life from which Western literature quoted stories (Robin Hood) and others, about fighting poverty, persecution and rebellion Efforts to free themselves from injustice.

These stories may be likened by some to complaints about settlements in live broadcasts and social media channels. Criticizing or belittling settlement advocates has become like an undeclared war against them. Whoever criticizes abnormal behavior in banks or quasi-governmental companies has begun to tweet outside the flock, or the prodigal son who deserves punishment or evaluation. Sometimes they ask lawyers to file or threaten defamation cases. And when someone in a bank talks about the lack of cultural diversity and the domination of a nationality over the banking sector, we find that this “one-fourth” of the citizen will face dismissal, and when merging any two or more banks, we find it at the top of the list of “tafinish.” We did not see any party that records these lists and pursues the accountability of the parties that dismissed them, or limited the appointment of new foreigners coming from a sub-continent, and in many ways, including (outsourcing) or consultancy contracts with salaries that might justify if this person had previously headed a superpower, or had been a student By Einstein or Rothschild!

The digital banking transformation has begun to resemble what “Al-Shanfari” carried and controlled evil, for their families of scourge and conflicts that prompted them to disavow them in order to pay the risks of conflict with other tribes, despite the nobility of their efforts to give to the poor or pay grievances or even revenge and revenge. And borders and virtual service and communication centers are remote and located in other countries. Either Emiratisation criteria are introduced to move away from traditional employee ratios and turn into values ​​based on fees, incomes and profits, or the mechanisms of bank licensing and fees are re-examined with many banks heading to reduce expenses by closing their branches and converting them to virtual centers.

Also, studying the impact of digital transformation on the jobs of citizens and their growth in this vital sector and its development, adopting the concepts of future jobs, developing the capabilities of citizens and preparing them for these challenges is a vital requirement and an important file that must be handled by a body and (governance) its indicators and performance, and the intervention of local authorities concerned with commercial licensing has become This is inevitable, and the formation of the “Emirati Human Resources Development Council in Dubai” with the aim of making Emiratis the preferred choice for employment in the private sector while expanding the tasks of the “Human Resources Department” to include developing strategies to raise Emiratisation rates, in conjunction with the refinement of the “Knowledge Authority” for educational outputs. Rehabilitation and training, and linking educational institutions to the labor market, reflects an integrated, practical and realistic (pragmatic) system to solve a complex dilemma and a difficult (burned) file, and a move away from projecting nationalization on exhibitions to collect resumes and then throw them, or digital platforms for registration without appointing (who has no intermediary).

We hope that the scope of work will expand to include the governance of complaints from those dismissed or forced to resign from citizens, especially in large companies (public shareholding or semi-governmental), with coordination with the bodies concerned with regulating and violating these companies or holding their boards of directors accountable. Emirati Women’s Day, from a company under the pretext of restructuring, and after only a few months of increasing the CEO’s salary by tens of thousands, which, if proven, requires real accountability and governance for the benefit of the nation and the transparency of the economy.

We hope that the rest of the local authorities will follow suit and form committees or councils that include real champions who care about Emiratization without media clamor and data and numbers that do not reflect reality.

As for financial technologies, they should not be left to cobble together an evil that is not good. Rather, early intervention should be done and things should be put in place, before the emergence of transcontinental financial solutions in social media applications with the capabilities and characteristics of digital wallets and payments, enhanced by a prior analysis of consumption behaviors and patterns, or even International banks backed by technology empires such as "Amazon" and "Facebook" and others. At that time, it will not remain a local evil that can be dealt with, but rather it will be a global system that countries cannot confront alone, and for us, in wiping Australia from the digital map of “Facebook” because of a draft law, is a lesson and a lesson.

• Studying the impact of digital transformation on the jobs of citizens is a vital requirement.

Digital Transformation Consultant, Expert, and Certified Excellence Assessor

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