Louise Bernard with Alexis Patri 11:32 am, September 02, 2021

The videographers of the live streaming platform Twitch, the "streamers", went on strike on Wednesday.

A boycott in the form of a black screen operation which aimed to alert the platform to the importance of taking action against the harassment to which they are sometimes the object during their direct.

Twitch on strike.

The news is almost unprecedented on the scale of the Internet.

On the platform which allows "streamers" to broadcast live videos and Internet users to comment on them, many called for a strike on Wednesday.

The streamers boycotted the platform for a day.

No more live streaming.

Their claim?

Streamers are asking to be better protected by Twitch.

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Twitch shows support

Streamers want to be protected from the harassment campaigns they regularly face: thousands of racist, misogynistic, homophobic and other posts that flood live chats.

And sometimes, it's even their personal information that gets leaked by malicious accounts in the comment section of their live videos.

The videographers are therefore asking Twitch for a real moderation policy to counter these attacks of hateful comments nicknamed "raids".

The platform answered them: it supports them and announced that it is working on improvements to become safer for creators.