[Explanation] Since the global spread of the new crown epidemic, studying abroad has become one of the groups that have been affected.

Recently, some foreign universities announced the normal opening of the autumn semester, and many international students began to study on the road to "epidemic".

  [Explanation] Liang Xiaolin is a prospective international student at the University of Edinburgh, and she plans to report to the school in mid-September.

Recently, she discovered that she had previously booked a flight to stop in Thailand, and Thailand is not in the UK's "quarantine exemption policy" list, so she is considering changing flights.

  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaolin, a Chinese student

  Now Thailand’s list has turned red. In the past, if the British side used to be quarantined for a period of time, they would also need to pay at their own expense. The cost was a little high. Protect yourself, it’s safer, so I booked the Qatar flight on the 14th.

  [Explanation] Liang Xiaolin said that according to entry requirements, after arriving in the UK, she needs to purchase a nucleic acid test kit for self-test.

  [Concurrent] Liang Xiaolin, a Chinese student

  We are required to buy a nucleic acid test kit and conduct self-testing after we go there. It is also to ensure everyone’s safety. (School) also advises us not to go out unless necessary, and to go out to communicate with others when we have necessary life in addition to class. Avoid gathering in the crowd.

  [Explanation] Fang Yuyan, who will also go to the UK to study at King's College London, is full of expectations for the study and life there.

Prior to this, she had studied for two years at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, but due to the epidemic, she had only one year of face-to-face instruction, and the other year was online learning in China.

  [Concurrent] Fang Yuyan, a Chinese student

  The whole learning atmosphere there is different, including some hardware facilities provided by some universities abroad, as well as some students around. The whole life is very, very rich, so I think I can go abroad and experience as much as possible. A period of time is better for me, so now graduate students also have this opportunity to go back, so I still want to grasp it.

  [Explanation] Rong Zhenyuan is a Chinese student studying at Queensland University of Technology in Australia. After the summer vacation in June 2021, Rong Zhenyuan set off to return home.

Affected by the epidemic, Australia has not fully opened its borders. It has been 6 weeks since the new semester has started, and he can only take classes online.

  [Concurrent] Chinese student Rong Zhenyuan

  For the main course, it consists of four sessions, which are distributed in your week. The specific time is the same as in China. You choose that time, or the time you can choose, and you can choose one or two elective courses. , This time is also set according to your choice, like Australia, it’s okay, because its time difference is only two hours, so it is acceptable to me, but like the United Kingdom and the United States, it is too outrageous. It's completely reversed day and night.

  [Explanation] Affected by the epidemic, Liu Ziyu, a Chinese student in Japan, has not returned to China for more than a year.

Due to the worsening of the new crown epidemic in Japan, the school immediately organized online teaching, and the "cloud" learning made him feel that he had "taken a fake school".

  [Concurrent] Liu Ziyu, a Chinese student

  I remember very clearly that in January 2020, it happened to be on New Year’s Day. I didn’t go home because I was taking the exams. The news will be shown on the advertising screen in Shibuya. When the news was broadcast, it said that the number one had already appeared. For a new crown patient, let me start from that. Basically, I have counted for a total of two years. Whether I have been offline at school or in contact with teachers, it may add up to 3 months to 4 months. For about the time, it is the entire two years, and basically rarely go to school.

  [Explanation] Liu Ziyu's part-time job did not continue.

Except for online courses, he spends most of his time alone.

The new semester is here, and he is about to prepare his graduation thesis, and there are not many offline courses.

  [Concurrent] Liu Ziyu, a Chinese student

  Everyone is different at different stages. As far as I am concerned, it is possible for me to think about my own direction, work direction, and study direction in the future after preparing my thesis, and keep working hard.

  [Explanation] Recently, the epidemic situation in Japan has continued to worsen. Although the school has no mandatory requirements, Liu Ziyu has made an appointment to receive the new crown vaccine for his own safety.

  [Explanation] The "epidemic" road is not easy to study. He hopes that the epidemic will pass as soon as possible and life will be back on track.

  Reporter Liu Chao reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]