It is a mystery how the Government is going to manage this time to hide and derive its responsibility for the damaging consequences that we Spaniards are suffering due to their disastrous economic management.

Well, given the background and the first response offered yesterday by Vice President Ribera, it is to be assumed that he

will wash his hands

while he watches how the Spanish start the course suffering a historical price rise.

The National Institute of Statistics

advanced this Monday the latest data from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the result is a new rise that places its interannual rate at a soaring 3.3%, its highest level in almost a decade.

On the other side of the scale, however, wages have only risen by 1.56%.

The most direct consequence is that the middle class

once again loses purchasing power

, with the prices of some basic products of the shopping basket through the roof.

This is the case of foods such as oil, eggs or potatoes, which accumulate increases of an exaggerated 20%.

Fuels have also become more expensive to the point that filling the car's tank is today 21% more expensive than at the beginning of the year.

And this occurs at a very delicate time for families, since there are many who, in the end, were

starting to see the light

after the stoppage of activity caused by the pandemic.

The rise in the CPI depends on a multitude of factors.

But when it comes to establishing the causes that have led to this push, one should be highlighted above all: the exorbitant price of electricity.

And this is where the government that called itself should be pointed out without regard

of the social and of the people


In August, eight historical records were registered in the price of electricity, which translates into a bill that is 41% higher than a year ago.

Thus, when families receive this month's receipt, they will find, statistically speaking, the highest electricity bill in memory.

Since all the alarms went off at the beginning of the year about the price of electricity, this newspaper has been demanding the search and

the application of far-reaching and consensus reforms

that manage to appease the trend.

However, the Executive has opted for unilateralism, without listening to anyone but himself, and for measures that have been revealed as patches with holes.

It is not negligible to think that if today PSOE and Podemos were in the opposition, the demonstrations in the streets would be continuous.

But since it would be frowned upon for them to protest against themselves, they engage in

cross accusations


Yesterday, cornered by the evidence of her failure in management, Teresa Ribera did not announce a single measure in her appearance in Congress beyond supporting the creation of a commission, but she did take the afternoon to charge her partner for populism with the one who criticizes the government of which Podemos is also part.

Astracanada might even be funny if we weren't debating about

the pocket and the quality of life of the Spanish


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