[Explanation] On August 30th, Nanjing Changjiang Road Primary School conducted a simulation drill on the first day of the "School Epidemic Prevention and Control" process.

Many teachers acted as elementary school students, and all aspects of epidemic prevention work that parents cared about after school started were simulated in the drill.

  [Concurrent] Xu Yan, Council Member of Changjiang Road Elementary School, Nanjing

  In accordance with the relevant requirements of our superior department for school epidemic prevention, before the start of school, we organized some teachers to act as students to carry out one-day epidemic prevention exercises. The whole day included our school's daily life and study.

From the beginning when we entered the school gate, we had to check the "one card, one code, one form" and take the temperature measurement.

In special circumstances, we also conducted a simulation exercise. Our designated health care teacher will understand the situation and communicate with the parents at the first time. Parents are asked to take their children to the hospital for examination.

  [Explanation] After entering the school morning check, before the pupils enter the classroom, the head teacher will conduct a second temperature measurement and check.

  [Concurrent] Xu Yan, Council Member of Changjiang Road Elementary School, Nanjing

  Entering our classroom part, what we simulated is the situation that the child is vomiting suddenly?

So the first time, our head teacher covered the vomit, and then contacted our leader in charge, contacted the teachers in our health care room, including the comrades in our logistics killing department, and our assigned teachers. To deal with such a problem.

The teacher of the Moral Education Department will be responsible for communication and contact with parents.

Our health room mainly looks at the current situation of our child and takes him to the isolation classroom for three temperature checks and checks.

The teacher in charge will organize our remaining students in the first time and evacuate to our dedicated spare classroom for the next study, and the logistics killers will come to our classroom to kill them in the first time.

  [Explanation] Many parents are concerned about how to normalize epidemic prevention in school after school starts?

After semester begins, the pupils of this school need to wash their hands before eating at noon and keep a one-meter interval; for outdoor activities between classes, masks are not required, but they need to be kept away from gathering; return to the classroom to disinfect their hands with disposable hand sanitizer before going to class.

  [Concurrent] Xu Yan, Council Member of Changjiang Road Elementary School, Nanjing

  We have also specially trained teachers. For example, there are new teachers this year, our class teacher, and we have already held a class teacher training meeting on the cloud. We have specifically asked the teachers for this aspect of epidemic prevention.

In the later period, before the start of school, we will continue to use the form of "micro-classes" to remind all of our parents to protect the health of our children.

  Zhang Chuanming reports from Nanjing, Jiangsu

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]