[Explanation] On August 24, a netizen with the online name "Xiaoyi hopes the bad guys will be punished" posted on a social platform that he was sexually assaulted by Qian Feng, the host of Hunan Satellite TV's "Everyday Upward" column two years ago.

In response, the Shanghai Changning Police issued a police report late that night, stating that the existing evidence cannot prove that Qian Feng has committed the crime of rape.

If Xiao has other new evidence involved in the case, he can provide it to the police, and the police will conduct an investigation in accordance with the law.

  At the same time, the police report also stated that if Xiao was dissatisfied with the decision not to file a case made by the Changning police, he could apply to the procuratorial organ for supervision of the case.

Later, the netizen issued a reply saying that he would sort out the evidence and report the crime at dawn.

In addition, she also released a recording of communicating with the police, saying that Qian Feng had admitted to rape in the mediation room.

In response to this situation, a reporter from China News Agency interviewed Cheng Fei, a lawyer from Beijing Jundu (Shanghai) Law Firm.

  [Contemporary] Beijing Jundu (Shanghai) Law Firm Lawyer Cheng Fei

  As for the informant, it was because she had already reported the case in time, and the police also accepted it, but gave her a notice not to file the case. She refused to accept the notice, but the reconsideration period had passed.

If she has new evidence, she can report the case again, and then go through the procedure of filing a case, or if she feels that the police’s previous refusal to file a case is wrong, she can apply to the procuratorate for supervision of case filing.

For the many "eating melon" netizens, I hope that netizens should maintain a cautious attitude based on facts and wait for the official report from the police. Do not believe in rumors or spread rumors, especially not on the basis of a one-sided understanding of the case. Make inductive comments online.

  Zhang Jian Report from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]