, Nanchang, August 23. Title: Romance Story of Canadian Foreign Teachers in Jiangxi: Double Harvest in Love

  China News Service reporter Wu Pengquan

  "Nanchang is a blessed place for my love and career, and everything I love meets here." For Jordan Stanley, there is no place more romantic than Nanchang, the capital city of central China.

  Jordan Stanley is from Canada. In 2013, he became a foreign teacher in Nanchang No. 2 Middle School (referred to as "Nanchang No. 2 Middle School") in Jiangxi Province.

Since then, Jordan Stanley, who loves to travel, stopped, "The Chinese say that peace of mind is home. I like the peaceful and quiet life here."

  Jordan Stanley, who has lived and worked in Jiangxi for 8 years, has long regarded Nanchang as his second hometown.

He has also grown from an ordinary foreign teacher in Nanchang No. 2 Middle School to the Canadian principal of the school's international cooperation project.

  As the principal of the school’s Canadian partner, Jordan Stanley is proud to “be able to build a bridge to help children reach their inner success and go to the wider world to learn and explore.”

  In his view, Chinese students are very curious and respect teachers. As teachers, teaching here is a very easy and comfortable thing to adapt. Chinese colleagues are also very friendly and principled, and they cooperate with each other tacitly. .

"We send more than 100 students to universities all over the world for further study every year, as if my footsteps have also traveled there. This is a kind of beauty of'teaching people to fish.'"

  Nanchang has become the most romantic city in Jordan Stanley's heart. Another important reason is that he met his wife while working at school, and the two formed a happy family in China.

"She is my colleague in Nanchang No. 2 Middle School, from the Philippines, and we have a 4-year-old daughter."

  Outside of work, Jordan Stanley, a small international family, often goes on outings with Chinese friends.

He said, "Nanchang has a beautiful environment. If our Chinese level is enough to communicate with my daughter's teacher, my daughter may always go to school here, and I will stay in the second middle school and stay in Nanchang."

  In addition to praising Nanchang's good ecological environment, Jordan Stanley is also keen on traditional Chinese culture.

“Currently, there are 14 foreign teachers in Nanchang No. 2 Middle School. We will learn Chinese culture together, write calligraphy, make dumplings, make traditional games, and perform Chinese costume shows together.”

  In order to commend foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to Nanchang's economic construction and social development, the Nanchang Municipal Government began to establish the "Tengwang Pavilion Award" in 2005, and in 2016 the "Tengwang Pavilion Award" was changed to the "Tengwang Pavilion Friendship Award".

It is worth mentioning that Jordan Stanley won the "Tengwang Pavilion Friendship Award" in 2018.

  "Because Nanchang recognizes foreigners, so that more people like me can integrate into this city, just like in my own home. Living here, my family and I are very happy." Jordan Stanley said.
