Don't like garlic?

"Garlic" You enjoy the blessing, the garlic with the taste of chocolate comes in a wave.

Recently, the reporter took you to eat raw garlic in a garlic exhibition hall in Minle County, Zhangye, Gansu.

It is understood that the black garlic eaten by the reporter is made of fresh raw garlic, which is a snack after about 90 days of fermentation with a special process. The taste is sweet and can retain the raw garlic to the greatest extent while removing the garlic flavor.

According to the relevant person in charge of the exhibition hall, black garlic has more health effects than raw garlic. Its super high nutritional value and "sweet, soft and waxy" taste have been welcomed by Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries, especially in many food stores and restaurants in Singapore. The pharmacies are full of black garlic.

If you don't like the taste of garlic, but you still need the effects of garlic, then this chocolate-like garlic benefit is here!

(Li Yalong Wang Muyu)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]