Mobile phones are like a double-edged sword. While providing convenience in life, overuse will also cause problems for our bodies.

The new term "mobile phone disease" derived from the Internet refers to a series of health problems caused by excessive use of smart phones, including damage to the limbs and eyesight, and adverse effects on the brain and psychology.

  "Mobile phone sickness", which ones have you hit?

  With the increasing popularity of mobile phones, people's dependence on mobile phones has become higher and higher. "Mobile phones have become a necessity in my life. Without mobile phones and the Internet, I would be unconsciously anxious."

Yang Siran, a 28-year-old white-collar worker from Beijing, told a lot about the relationship between people and mobile phones.

  Staring at the phone for a long time, how much damage to the eyes

  “It’s very hard work during the day. Going home from get off work and playing on my mobile phone is the most relaxing moment of my day.” said Yin Jing, a 27-year-old white-collar worker in Changsha, Hunan. Tik Tok has become the norm in her life to relax.

During the epidemic last year, when she stayed at home, she kept her mobile phone in her hand every day and swiped her mobile phone during meals. Say.

  During the interview, the reporter found that there are many cases of vision problems caused by long-term use of mobile phones. Long-term browsing on mobile phones can cause problems such as dry eyes, fatigue of the eyes, and increased myopia. Zhao Yumin, chief physician of the Ophthalmology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, said: "This is because when staring at the mobile phone, the blinking will become less, causing the tears in the eyes to evaporate too strongly, and there may be dry eyes and foreign body sensations." In addition, the mobile phone will also emit harmful blue light and radiation, which will be harmful. The eyes cause some damage.

Long-term viewing of mobile phones can also cause adolescents and even adults to deepen their myopia.

As the degree of myopia increases, the harm to the eyes is also increasing.

  The reporter learned that many people like to play with their mobile phones before going to bed, and sometimes after turning off the lights.

"The dark adaptation of the eyes is poor, and the contrast between the dark environment and the mobile phone screen is strong, which will increase the adjustment of the eyes when using the mobile phone, and the eyes are more likely to become fatigued, resulting in decreased vision." Zhao Yumin said, long time in a dark environment Staring at the mobile phone is very harmful to the eyes and can cause damage to the retina. In a few extreme cases, it may induce glaucoma.

  Zhao Yumin told reporters that with the gradual decline in the age level of using smartphones, more and more teenagers have become smartphone users. When teenagers encounter problems such as dry eyes and foreign body sensation, they will use their hands. Rubbing the eyes will also bring about a series of derivative problems such as eye bacterial infection and conjunctival inflammation.

  In recent years, due to playing mobile games for a long time, the symptom of "acute common esotropia" has also quietly risen among young people. It not only causes double vision, affects visual function, but also affects personal image. In severe cases, it can also cause Difficulty walking.

Zhao Yumin also reminded parents that young people should minimize their exposure to electronic products, and that children under the age of 4 should try to prohibit contact with electronic products.

  Expert advice:

  1. Avoid using the mobile phone in a dark environment, especially when using the mobile phone at night, there must be a light source.

  2. Pay attention to lower the brightness of the mobile phone screen and reduce the contrast between the mobile phone screen and the surrounding environment.

  3. Pay attention to intermittent rest. You can blink your eyes continuously for 20 seconds every 20 minutes, and then look at the distance for 20 seconds to relieve eye fatigue.

  Excessive use of mobile phones may disrupt the "balance" of the body

  "In my senior year, I stayed up all night to play mobile games. I never had acne, and my pores became enlarged." Liu Yao, a 26-year-old teacher from a training institution in Chengdu, Sichuan, talked about her use of mobile phones. She still regrets the skin problems caused by staying up late. She said: “It’s been more than 4 years since I graduated, and I found that no expensive skin care products can fill the pores that became larger in my senior year.” The reporter found in the interview that it was because of excessive use of mobile phones. It is far more than this phenomenon that causes the "imbalance" of the body.

  “Playing with the mobile phone itself has little effect on the skin, but the behavior of staying up late to play with the mobile phone will have a bad effect on the skin.” Dai Jie, deputy director of the Department of Dermatology, Nanjing First Hospital, told reporters that the complexion is dull, acne, and dark circles. And other problems may arise because of playing mobile phones and staying up late.

  The reporter learned that using mobile phones at night can also affect sleep.

Staying up late at night playing on the phone itself takes up the original sleep time. In addition to the attractive content of the phone itself, it will also cause psychological and physical excitement, which will lead to difficulty falling asleep.

  "The impact of excessive use of mobile phones on endocrine will be more obvious at night." said Zhong Liyong, director of the Department of Endocrinology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University.

When using a mobile phone at night, the light from the screen of the mobile phone at night may inhibit the normal secretion of melatonin in the body. Zhong Liyong said: “Melatonin is the core substance that regulates the human body’s circadian rhythm and maintains the sleep-wake cycle. , It may cause delays in the circadian rhythm, resulting in difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality."

  Since most of the time when using a mobile phone is sitting still, Zhong Liyong said: "If a person spends most of his time on the mobile phone, the time spent on exercise is reduced, which will slow down the body’s metabolism, which will easily lead to fat accumulation and cause Obesity problem.” He said that the reduction of exercise will also cause a decline in the body’s immunity to a certain extent, leading to a decline in body resistance and increasing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases.

  Expert advice:

  1. Don't stay up late to play mobile phones, keep a good and regular work and rest.

  2. When sleeping at night, it is recommended to place the phone away from yourself.

  3. Learn to put down your phone at any time and exercise more.

  The more you play with your mobile phone, the more excited you are, but the mood gradually goes into a trough

  During the interview, the reporter found that during the process of playing with mobile phones, many people will have such a feeling that the more they play, the more excited they become, and sometimes they are not willing to put down their mobile phones at two or three in the morning.

"Last semester, I played on my mobile phone every night, and it was early in the morning before I knew it." Li Fei, a freshman at Anqing Normal University, said that when he was just in college, he fell asleep late every morning because he was addicted to mobile phones. At the end of the semester, I didn’t have the energy. At the end of the semester, I found that I had missed a lot of courses. Li Fei said: “At that time, I felt very stressed and I couldn’t study. I just wanted to play with my mobile phone every day. Thanks to the help of my teachers and classmates. Only slowly adjusted the state."

  "Putting too much energy on mobile phones will lead to insufficient energy on other things." Fan Changhe, director of the Department of Psychology, Guangdong Second People's Hospital, said that when the biological clock is disrupted, many people are prone to malaise during the day, which affects normal health. Working and studying, adults may affect work efficiency due to poor working status, young people may lead to lower academic performance due to poor learning status, their own rhythm is disrupted, and external pressure forms internal and external pressures, which will cause malignancy in the long run Circulation brings mental high pressure, and in severe cases can cause depression.

  During the interview, the reporter learned that when many people gather with family and friends, most of the time they are playing on their mobile phones, and communication is reduced. Fan Changhe told reporters that when too much time is spent on mobile phones, they are over-immersed in the world of mobile phones. , It will also cause a certain degree of social barriers and bring tension to interpersonal relationships.

  "At present, a relatively large proportion of people have emotional and psychological problems due to their addiction to mobile games." Fan Changhe said that with the improvement of various functions of mobile phones, mobile phones may meet various needs, which also leads to people becoming more dependent on mobile phones. "Mobile phone dependence" will also be formed.

  When using the various functions of the mobile phone, Fan Changhe also reminds everyone not to lose themselves. "There are many social platforms on the mobile phone, and there are also a lot of complicated information. If it is not handled well, it will also bring about psychological problems such as anxiety."

  Expert advice:

  1. Control the time you use your mobile phone every day to avoid being addicted to mobile phone content.

  2. Participate in some useful offline activities and strengthen the benign interaction with people around you.

  3. Have self-judgment on online information to avoid emotional impact.

  If you use your mobile phone in a wrong posture, your body will be "deformed"

  The reporter observed that there are many "head bowers" no matter on the subway, on the bus, on the road or in the elevator.

"Before, when I was okay, I always liked to lower my head to play with my mobile phone. My cervical spine was often sore, and even my head was dizzy." Yang Siran said that he used to be an out-and-out "head-down clan" and was dizzy for a while last year. Only when I went to the hospital did I know I had cervical spondylosis. "Since that time, I never dared to lower my head to play with my mobile phone." Yang Siran said.

  When using a mobile phone, the closer the eyes are to the mobile phone screen, the lower the head unconsciously. Over time, the "mobile phone neck" will accidentally "suffer the upper body", which not only affects the appearance, but also brings health problems.

  "A healthy cervical spine has a good lordotic curvature, and the surrounding ligaments and muscles are attached to the cervical spine, which maintains the overall stability of the neck. When the eyes are straight, the cervical spine can maintain a normal curvature." Deputy Orthopedics, Shanghai Pudong Hospital Chief physician Ao Rongguang said that in a normal head-up view, the weight of the neck muscles is approximately equal to the weight of the head, about 10 kg. When the head is lowered, the weight of the neck muscles will gradually increase, and when the head is lowered to 60° At the time, the weight of the neck muscles reached 5 times the weight of the head itself, up to 50 kg.

  In order to maintain the stability of the neck, the neck and shoulder muscles and the cervical spine itself will also be adjusted accordingly to adapt to changes in the curvature of the cervical spine.

"Therefore, when the head is bowed for a long time, the physiological curvature of the cervical spine will change, the normal cervical spine structure will also change, the cervical spine will gradually straighten, and even reverse arches." Ao Rongguang said.

The muscles around the neck and shoulders will be in a state of contraction and tension. Over time, the neck and shoulders are prone to stiffness and soreness. The cervical spine and intervertebral discs will also be under greater pressure. The tendon attachment points and the small joints of the cervical spine may develop bone hyperplasia. There may even be problems such as a herniated cervical disc.

  In addition, many people like to lie down on the sofa and play with mobile phones on the bed. Experts say that when lying down, the lumbar spine will lack support, the original curvature will change, and the pressure on the lumbar intervertebral disc will also increase, which is easy to cause lumbar joints. Pain, in severe cases, it can cause lumbar disc herniation.

  Ao Rongguang reminded that in addition to protecting the cervical spine, people who frequently use mobile phones, especially those who love to play mobile games, should also pay special attention to protecting their thumbs and wrists.

Because when you frequently play with mobile phones, your wrist stays in a certain position for a long time, and your thumb taps the screen frequently. For a long time, it will cause wrist and thumb tendon strain, induce tenosynovitis of the wrist or thumb, and cause soreness in the wrist or thumb. Weakness, increased pain during exercise, and even "trigger finger" of the thumb.

  Expert advice:

  1. Do not lie down or play with your phone on your stomach. The best posture is to hold your chest and abdomen up. The center of the phone screen is at the same height as your eyes, making it parallel to your line of sight.

  2. You can look down at about 15°-20°, that is, the phone is located slightly below the horizontal line.

  3. When playing with a mobile phone, pay attention to moving the wrist and fingers to avoid rigidity of the wrist and fingers.

  (Our reporter Cui Xingyi, our correspondent Peng Li)