In Nuremberg, a drunk e-scooter driver fell around ten meters into the medieval city moat.

Fortunately, the 26-year-old only suffered a foot injury and a few other minor wounds, as the police in the Bavarian city announced on Sunday.

Accordingly, the young man was in the city center late Saturday evening when he apparently lost control of the electric scooter and fell.

According to the officials, a passer-by whom the driver had passed shortly before heard a “thud”. When she looked around, all she saw was his scooter on the sidewalk. She looked over the boundary wall and discovered the fallen man. She called the police and rescue workers to take care of the man. The moat is part of the old city fortifications.

According to the police, an alcohol test in the 26-year-old showed a value of more than 1.7 per mille. He is now being investigated for drunkenness in traffic. The same alcohol limits apply to drivers of e-scooters as to motorists. From 0.5 per mille there is an administrative offense, from 1.1 per mille a criminal offense. If the driver shows signs of failure due to alcohol, it can be determined because of a criminal offense, even if the values ​​are lower. Novice drivers and drivers under the age of 21 must be completely sober.