5 minutes

Beware... these habits destroy the brain (2)


Alaa Jarrad


August 23, 2021

To continue talking about habits that can damage the brain, that organ that we don't think about or care about much, where everyone worries about their health and appearance, but do we care about the most vital organ that controls our bodies? The answer is no, according to the health promotion website Pharmiweb. The brain is the most vital organ in our body, and when it is damaged, it can affect us severely, including our thoughts, memories, and feelings. Therefore, scientists advise us to pay attention to our lifestyle and avoid habits that destroy brain cells. We have already talked about two of them, and today we talk about the rest of the habits.

Excessive consumption of sugar, Excessive consumption of sugar for a long time damages the body’s ability to absorb proteins and nutrients, and this may lead to malnutrition, which hampers brain development due to our bodies lacking sufficient nutrients in the blood, and this leads to the impediment of normal brain development. Therefore, sweets should be reduced, except for dark chocolate. Another habit is not getting enough sleep, as sleep deprivation can lead to many problems, such as excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, and poor memory. It affects the mind's ability to memorize new information. The brain clears itself of toxins during the deep sleep cycle, so lack of sleep can lead to brain cell death, which can impair memory and reduce mental abilities. Another habit is playing music loudly using earphones or headphones, as it can lead to permanent hearing impairment, memory loss and brain tissue damage.

The sixth habit is not eating breakfast, and not drinking enough water. Not eating breakfast deprives the brain of essential nutrients, as breakfast helps supply the body with glucose, which positively affects the brain’s work. As for water, 80% of the brain needs enough water to think faster and focus better. Therefore, it is very important for the brain to remain hydrated at all times. The seventh habit we all know is smoking, which causes cancer, and nicotine, which causes addiction to smoking, also causes brain shrinkage, and prolonged brain shrinkage can lead to Alzheimer's disease.


Too much food, as it makes us gain weight and feel bloated, and increases the chances of developing life-threatening diseases.

It also damages the brain, as a prolonged high-calorie intake leads to memory loss, or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), in the future.


Covering the head during sleep, as it may increase the consumption of carbon dioxide, and reduce the consumption of oxygen, and therefore the lack of an adequate amount of it can harm brain cells.

May God bless you with health and wellness, and protect you from all evil.



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