On the evening of August 18, at the entrance of the fire station on Yongjun Road, Shuicheng District, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province, a man and a woman scuffled together. Among them, the man was holding a knife in his hand.

The woman's call for help aroused the vigilance of the camp gate. The firefighters immediately went to stop and called the cadre on duty with the walkie-talkie.

  The camp rang the alarm bell, and the firefighters rushed out one after another. Under the command of the station master, two firefighters stepped forward and uniformed the man with the knife, and successfully grabbed the knife in his hand.

The firefighters dialed 110 to call the police and 120 to ask them to come to the scene to treat the wounded.

Based on the principle of saving people first, before the medical staff arrived, in order to prevent the woman from losing too much blood, the firefighters brought the emergency medicine kit from the fire station and immediately performed a simple bandaging on the woman.

  After the police and medical personnel arrived at the scene, the firefighters handed over the man to the police. The relevant comrades actively cooperated with the police in their investigation and evidence collection, and at the same time handed the woman to the medical staff.

Currently, the incident is being processed by the police.

(Reporter Yuan Chao produced Guo Shihao's video source, Liupanshui City Fire Rescue Detachment)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]