[Explanation] Recently, the "Aixin Freezer" service that provides free drinks and cold drinks for sanitation workers and takeaway boys in Jinshan District of Shanghai has been ignited.

  On August 19, the reporter saw at the "Aixin Freezer" service point on Haihui Street, Jinshan District, that the first batch of "customers" of the day had been welcomed one after another.

They skillfully opened the refrigerator, took out the salt soda and drank it.

  [Concurrent] Takeaway Brother Dai Qiang

  Since last year, I have known that there is this "Aixin Freezer", and since last year I will come over to get it every day when I am thirsty. It is relatively close to the people.

  [Concurrent] Sanitation Worker Sheng Jinfang

  Came here early in the morning to sweep the road, sweating out, and after sweeping, I came here to get a drink.

They are very nice, and we are also satisfied.

  [Explanation] It is reported that since the launch of the "Aixin Freezer" project in Jinshan District in 2018, many unexpected surprises have been harvested. Many caring businesses and people have joined the ranks of water delivery, and together they show love to the workers who are fighting on the front line. Send cool.

  [Concurrent] Xu Xiuhua, Representative of Caring Enterprise

  I hope to be able to serve the people around us in place, because after all, our part is missing, and we have also done our part.

We hope to continue this project with the (Jinshan) District Federation of Trade Unions for a long time and serve more people at home.

  [Explanation] During the interview, the reporter learned that this year there are 3 "Aixin Freezer" service points in Jinshan District, each of which serves more than 300 people a day.

The "Aixin Freezer" outdoor care project starts in mid-July every year and ends at the end of August. The daily service hours are from 9 am to 4 pm to ensure that every outdoor worker who comes can get food for heatstroke prevention and cooling.

  Since the project was launched in 2018, the project has served more than 150,000 people in total, and it has also played a very good social effect.

  [Concurrent] Li Liangen, Volunteer of "Aixin Freezer" Project of Shanghai Jinshan Federation of Trade Unions

  At one point of our "Aixin Freezer", there are 6 boxes of salt soda, 6 boxes of mineral water, and 6 to 8 boxes of various cold drinks every day. Most of them are bought by children under the leadership of their parents. Put cold drinks in to do good and good deeds for the society. This is also an unexpected social effect.

  Zhang Jianlin and Kunpeng report from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]