The sixth issue of Observation Game Variety Show "Bullish Brother" co-produced by Hunan Satellite TV Chen Xinyu Studio and Andersen Studio will be broadcast. A gratifying result.

The forthcoming sixth episode will usher in the help of Hu Jun, which will surprise the elder brother and the younger brother.

  Hu Jun domineering to help the little brother team

  Aura and strength blast the audience

  Hu Jun served as the captain of the Big Brother team in the first season of the show, and being good at "breaking the rules" is one of his characteristics. What changes will he bring to the show this time?

It is reported that in the opening part of the program, Hu Jun appeared domineering and full of veteran demeanor, but he resolutely gave up his familiar elder brother team and joined the younger brother team, causing the elder brother team to feel melancholy.

  Hu Jun has rich experience in games, especially in the hide-and-seek link, and he knows the routines of the big brother team well.

Joining the younger team this time, Hu Jun not only lined up and became the think tank of the younger team, but he also became a capable cadre of the younger team with his physical strength.

But for the big brother team, there is this "strong rival", and the game faces great challenges. Who wins and who loses will be announced this Saturday.

  "Appetizer" game lively competition

  Brothers fight to the end in a big duel

  In addition to the changes in the guest lineup, the mini games in this issue are also full of fun, with competition and joy coexisting.

In the "Quick Escape" session, facing the challenge of the three-character animal, Li Weijia blurted out "Little Red (Hat)" behind the big bad wolf, causing hilarious laughter, while Chen Linong, the captain of the little brother team, encountered "Waterloo" and lost the big brother team in a row. Who of the two teams can win a clue card?

  "Love's breaking head", the elder brother and the little brother pitted against each other, breaking their toes with their thumbs, and screamed again and again at the scene, making the bullish eldest Miss Wu Xin call "too noisy"!

Some brothers are so painful that they "fainted", while others are easy and comfortable to deal with and become the king of strength in this session. Which team can become the winner?

  At the end of the hide-and-seek session, the original thrilling game made waves again, the director team activated the "Blood to the End" card, the elder brother and the younger brother launched a big duel, and the game can be ended when one side is eliminated.

Exciting competition system, thrilling duel, and what funny and interesting scenes will be born?

Stay tuned for Hunan Satellite TV's "Bullish Brother" at 22:00 this Saturday!