every day

Temporary happiness .. brings harm the rest of the life!

Sami Al Riyami


August 18, 2021

A very bad scene, his hero is a young man, standing in front of the accountant in a large supermarket, behind him are two children, the eldest of whom is no more than five, and the youngest about three, and each of them pushes in front of him a cart full of all kinds of sweets and chocolates of all kinds, in addition to countless kinds. She has candies and bags of potatoes (chips), and each of them puts what he bought in front of the accountant, and they are at the top of joy and happiness!

The father was also happy, but was overjoyed, seeing his two children almost flying with joy and happiness, and the strange thing was that he did not feel, even for a moment, that what he was doing was a big mistake, and that with this act he harmed his two children and did not benefit them, and this temporary happiness that he sees on their little faces , may bring them harm the rest of their years!

He is certainly not the only one who does this, other than hundreds, if not thousands of parents, who believe that they make their children happy, and do not deprive them of anything, because they buy them everything they ask for sweets, chocolates and candies, when in fact they destroy the immune system of their children, and make them Prone to age disease, which is a silent killer, diabetes!

I do not have accurate statistics on the numbers of diabetes prevalence in children, but we hear frequently and continuously about many cases of children, and at very early ages, they contracted this disease, and reached the stage of taking insulin needles on a daily basis, and some of them take it more than once a day the one!

Children are not immune to diabetes. It is true that the second type of this disease is the most common among them, which is the inability of pancreatic cells to produce the hormone “insulin” responsible for controlling blood sugar levels, due to the exposure of pancreatic cells to attack the system This is why diabetes is considered a type 1 autoimmune disease.

However, the second type also exists, which is the response of the body’s cells to the secreted “insulin”, in addition to the lack of “insulin production” over time, and the occurrence of this type of diabetes is attributed to the interaction of a number of environmental and genetic factors, such as lack of movement, obesity, A family history of the disease.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes depends mainly on lifestyle changes, such as motivating the child to exercise, lose weight, and eat healthy food. The patient at some age may need to take oral diabetes medications, and may need “insulin”!

Specialists believe that type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, but there are steps that can reduce the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes, which is maintaining a healthy weight. “Insulin”, in addition to maintaining physical activity, and limiting sugary foods and drinks, as eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients, with plenty of vitamins, fiber and lean proteins, reduces the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.



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