She discovers that her heart is on the wrong side!


A 19-year-old Chicago girl was shocked to learn that her heart was on the wrong side of her chest, News 18 reported.

The newspaper added that Clary Mac underwent a chest X-ray last June, as she had been suffering from a persistent cough for two months.

During the examination, doctors discovered that she had a lung infection.

But after the examination, doctors revealed that her heart was on the right side of her chest instead of the left side.

And when the doctor told the girl this news, she thought he was just joking!

The doctor explained that this condition is called "dextrocardia" and it is very rare, as less than one percent of the world's population suffers from it.

The doctor explained to the patient, as reported by "News 18", that this condition is not life-threatening, and that the patient does not need any medical assistance at the present time.

The girl shared her story on the "Tik Tok" application, and many users were surprised by how, in 19 years, none of the doctors discovered about it.

Many have wondered about this condition, and among the questions directed to her in the comments: "How did the doctors fail to notice this during routine examinations? For many years, did you never feel that your heart was beating to the right?".