Recently, the Yangzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment carried out killing operations on some medium and high-risk communities in the main urban area of ​​Yangzhou.

  According to the Yangzhou Fire Department, 10 firefighters from 1 fire truck were arranged to go to medium- and high-risk communities to kill. The fire department mixes a good concentration of disinfectant and uses the body spray and high-pressure hose water guns carried by the fire truck itself. , Carpet-style disinfection of the interior of the residential area.

A fire truck can load 4.5 tons of disinfectant water and complete the killing area of ​​about 4000 square meters.

  For high-risk communities, fire trucks are transformed into fire-fighting "sprinklers", which carry out killing operations three times a day, which not only reduces the labor intensity of community workers, but also avoids the risk of cross-infection of personnel.

In addition, 10 firefighters, while doing personal protection, also used back pots or glue guns to manually kill residential areas.

(Video source of Wu Feifei, Cui Jiaming, Ge Yong, Yangzhou Fire Rescue Detachment)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]