Once again, the strong discrepancies within the Government between the United Podemos ministers and those of the PSOE may end up generating

a new diplomatic crisis with Morocco


Just when the Alawite kingdom had agreed to rectify its position after having facilitated the massive access of immigrants to Ceuta in response to the illegal entry into Spain of the leader of the Polisario Front.

Precisely, he has been the replacement of

Arancha González Laya

-policy responsible for the clandestine arrival of


ahim ghali

- by

Jose Manuel Albares

in charge of Foreign Affairs, which has facilitated the reactivation of the bilateral agreement between the two countries - signed in 2007 and whose latest update is in 2012 - to promote the family reunification of minors who crossed irregularly into Spain last May.

By virtue of this agreement, Spain and Morocco had committed that the almost 800 minors who are still in Ceuta would be

returned to their country in groups of 15 people

, except for those who are in a situation of special "vulnerability".

However, after the launch of the operation ordered by Grande-Marlaska, the lack of coordination between ministries and the possible irregularity of the device have become evident.

To the Minister of Social Rights and successor of

Pablo Iglesias

in the direction of Podemos,

Ione Belarra

, He did not lack time to attack the head of the Interior, accusing him in a harsh statement of acting outside the law, in line with what was declared by some humanitarian NGOs.

Within a few hours,

the Ombudsman and the Prosecutor's Office

announced the opening of investigations to clarify whether or not the repatriations comply with international law.

It is inadmissible that the Government does not act with one voice in the face of a State question, such as the migration problem and the always difficult relationship with Morocco.

Even more when

the rights of almost 800 minors are at stake

, many of whom have already begun to escape from the Ceuta reception center to avoid being repatriated.

Lack of leadership from

Pedro Sanchez

It is behind a serious lack of coordination in government action that could be exploited by Morocco to harm the interests of our country.

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