Visitors fighting at the zoo triggered "animals to emulate" and lost a "person"

  ■ Observer

  Talking about civilization and keeping order is also the basic requirement for zoo visitors.

  "The fight is not good, especially bad." On August 8, an "official statement" issued by the Beijing Wildlife Park attracted the attention of the public.

The statement stated that the two tourists had disputes over trivial matters during the tour, and then verbally abused and fought each other.

The two parties reconciled after mediation by the local public security organs.

What makes people laugh or cry is that the zoo also said that because animals saw human fighting scenes, they followed suit that night, and the scene was out of control for a while.

  Regardless of the negative impact of human fights on animals, the damage to the order and safety of the tour is obvious.

There are scenes showing that women carrying children participated in the process of pushing and fighting on the scene.

If a child is accidentally injured as a result of this conflict, I am afraid it will also make adults regret it.

For public civilization, these fighting adults undoubtedly set a negative example.

  The changes in the relationship between humans and animals are the epitome of the progress of human civilization.

The formation and development of modern zoos are the fruits of human civilization.

After the French Revolution, academia began to systematically raise wild animals based on the needs of scientific research, rather than the hunting habits of the nobility and the upper class.

Nowadays, the zoo is an occasion for scientific education to the public, and it is also a way to protect and study rare wild animals.

The harmonious coexistence of humans and animals, and the civilized concept of humans respecting and protecting nature should be demonstrated in the zoo.

  Therefore, being civilized and observing order are also the basic requirements for zoo visitors.

Regardless of the reason for the dispute between the two tourists, the only way to resolve the conflict is to be reasonable and solve the problem in a way that conforms to the law and order.

If the two parties fail to coordinate, they can also seek the intervention of the garden management staff until the police and other public departments intervene to deal with it.

It is not only against the law, but also against the zoo’s ethics and the core of civilization to resort to force and fight against any disagreement.

  Looking at it from a magnified perspective, it is not only in the zoo, but no matter what the occasion, fighting is a "particularly bad" behavior.

In reality, when some people visit and tour activities as tourists, it seems more difficult to restrain their hands and feet. Uncivilized phenomena and physical conflicts in tourist attractions occur from time to time.

It must be understood that scenic spots are not places where people "release their nature", and they must never do whatever they want, or even turn themselves from ordinary visitors into shameful objects of onlookers.

  The fighting incidents in the zoo aroused public attention. It is hard to say that there is no metaphor about civilization.

For a long time, as the "spirit of all things", human beings considered themselves superior to animals in wisdom, civilization, and habits.

When people watch the animals in the zoo, there is often a condescending gaze.

  However, as for individual human beings, whether they really have a higher civilized posture, I am afraid that everyone needs to reflect.

After all, "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", this sentence applies to the internal relationship of human society, but also applies to the relationship between humans and animals.

  Every exposure of uncivilized tours should be a living lesson not only for the parties, but also for the general public.

In the course of the tour, the emotions came up, and the blood was swollen. First of all, you must learn to be calm, think about your own role and image, and let reason overwhelm your impulse.

Observe the civilized order of public places and be civilized and law-abiding tourists. The whole world we live in can also be more civilized because of you.

  □Wang Zhong's (media person)