Drinks allowed to be consumed during intermittent fasting

A dietician at Frankel Cardiovascular Center in Michigan Medicine Sue Riskamp explained that during intermittent fasting, coffee can be taken, but nothing can be put in it, it must be black, without sugar or cream, and calorie-free fluids can be drunk, This was reported by RT Arabic.

Riskamp noted that during the fasting window (the time you set for fasting), only calorie-free drinks can be consumed, including plain or flavored water, unsweetened tea and herbal tea.

She encouraged Riskamp to drink some fluids while they were fasting in order to stay hydrated.

However, don't encourage the consumption of diet sodas or anything else that contains artificial sweeteners, even though they are calorie-free.

The researchers also found that artificial sweeteners may make you crave sugar, which is bad when you have to wait many hours before you can eat.

On the other hand, caffeine, as in coffee, may in fact help you stave off hunger pangs by suppressing your appetite.

It is indicated that if you suffer from high blood pressure, you should consult your doctor about coffee consumption.

Caffeinated beverages can cause high blood pressure, which may be worth monitoring for people with high blood pressure.

There is an exception to the black coffee rule during intermittent fasting, where if you prefer your coffee with cream and sugar, you still stand a chance of getting what you want when following the 5:2 intermittent fasting method, because this type of intermittent fasting is about how you restrict your calorie intake thermal.

The 5:2 method differs from the 16:8 method, in that you are supposed to only consume calories during a certain amount of time each day.

However, the 5:2 method does not limit you to a specific time period.

Instead, it limits the number of calories you consume on certain days of the week.

The 5:2 intermittent fasting method means that you consume five days of the week the recommended amount of calories for your height, weight, age and gender.

But on two non-consecutive days of the week, you reduce your calorie intake to between 20% and 25% of the recommended amount.

So, you can consume whatever you want in a 5:2 way, including cappuccinos at 8 a.m., but you just need to be aware of how that counts toward the total calories on those two restricted days.