Does ginger increase libido?

“No, and there is no scientific evidence.

After that it's always better than a dozen burgers.

»Ambre Larrazet and Eddy Moniot, the actors of the



on the Lumni platform, disentangle the true from the false on libido.

Does the heat encourage sex?

Not necessarily: “There is a birth peak in September.

However, if we count correctly: September minus nine months, that's January!

What does he do in January?

Cold !

And what about the idea that men have more libido than women?

“There are days you want to make love, whatever your gender, whatever your condition, whatever geographical position you are in.

It has nothing to do with his gender.

»Ambre Larrazet and Eddy Moniot explain everything about libido in the video of our partner Brut. 

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