The reporter's "undercover" net celebrity milk tea shop's work experience: cockroaches "don't care", labels are changed at will...

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 2 (Reporters Feng Songling and Zhao Hongyu) The summer vacation is here. As a milk tea popular among young people, it will usher in the peak sales season.

  However, in the first half of this year, the Shanghai market supervision department raided several brands of milk tea shops such as 1:dian, tea 100 Dao, 7 points sweet, coco (coco), and Xiong Ji, and found that the food label was not clear, and the food in the refrigerator was not stamped. The sanitation in the operation area is not up to standard, and the mixing of items and food is common, which has aroused social concern.

  How is Beijing?

Recently, the reporter applied randomly for the "undercover" internet celebrity milk tea shop "Naixue's Tea" and found that many of its branches also had problems such as cockroaches crawling, fruit rot, unwashed rags, and false labels.

  —— Cockroaches "don't care" and the handling is not standardized.

  Not long ago, the reporter applied to enter the "Nixue's Tea" Beijing Xidan Joy City store, as an intern tea drinker, responsible for the "package" work in the bakery area, that is, to put the bread made by the kitchen from the shelf to the window , And help customers choose bread.

  On the day of the job, the reporter saw a cockroach the size of a fingernail crawling from the bottom of the bread showcase to the bread making room.

The reporter immediately reported to the clerk on duty in the same group, but got a reply of "It's okay, don't worry about it".

  "There are cockroaches in the water bar and the bakery" seems to be "normal" to many shop assistants.

On the second day of employment, some clerk told reporters that although the store is demanding, "I can't take care of that much when I get busy."

  ——Continue to use rotten fruits and change product labels at will.

  In the "Naixue's Tea" Chang'an shopping mall store, some blackened mangoes were placed on the back kitchen table, and the employees were reminded to remove the "black" part and continue using it, "don't waste it, just dispose of it a little bit."

  The reporter saw that some sundries such as label paper accidentally fell into the mango puree, and the mango puree continued to be used after the sundries were picked out.

  A "soft European bag magic wand" series products should be sold out within 4 hours as required.

However, some employees will promptly change the time label for unsold products before selling them.

  The shelf life of Naxel's "Domineering Lemon Oil Orange" is only one day.

But in the "Naixue's Tea" Beijing Xidan Joy City store, the production label is manually entered.

Due to operational errors, there have been cases where the staff mistakenly marked the production date of the product on the same day as the day before.

The manager didn't find out until the store closed at night.

The staff handled the matter privately in the group, and the relevant situation was not disclosed to consumers, and no remedial measures were taken.

  ——Do not wear gloves and do not wash cloths.

  The reporter saw at work that employees use the same glove to handle different foods at the same time, and they almost never change them.

In the peak period of passenger flow, the store manager and other staff will directly go to the back kitchen to get started, and often handle the ingredients directly without wearing gloves.

  The "Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: "Dishware, drinking utensils, and containers for directly ingested food should be washed and disinfected before use, and cooking utensils and utensils should be washed and kept clean after use."

  During the period when the reporter was arranged to "wipe the dishes", the clerk repeatedly asked the clerk whether it was necessary to clean dozens of dishes with a rag and got a reply of "no use at all".

  The milk tea shop requires that the towel that wipes the tabletop must be changed for 4 hours, and the time stamp should be marked after each change.

However, the reporter was in the bread exhibition area for only two days, and encountered two failures to replace it in time.

  ——Daily hygiene is very casual, pay attention to it as soon as the inspection comes.

  During unannounced visits to the scene, the reporter saw that many employees stepped directly on the tabletops for cleaning the ingredients and took the ingredients from the higher cabinets without any cleaning treatment.

  But every time the superior comes to check, the shop assistants will temporarily clean up the ground, clean up the more complicated back kitchen on weekdays, and urgently clean all kinds of machines.

  The "Snow of Nai Tea" is not a case in point.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision found during a surprise inspection that some tea shops used expired, stale or "three-no" materials and other problems, and ordered them to rectify.

  In June of this year, the results of special random inspections announced by the Market Supervision Bureau of Xuanwu District of Nanjing City showed that hi tea has risks in terms of microorganisms and sugars.

In 2018 and 2019, Xicha also experienced problems such as drinking "foreign objects".

  In order to strictly investigate and control the unqualified phenomenon of various online celebrity milk tea shops, the State Administration of Market Supervision issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Supervision and Management of Freshly Produced and Sold Milk Tea Fruit and Vegetable Juices" on June 12, 2018, and proposed a proposal for online celebrity beverages. Specific management and supervision requirements.

  Zhu Yi, an associate professor at the School of Food Science and Technology of China Agricultural University, believes that milk tea shops are everywhere, homogenization is serious, competition is fierce, raw material prices are rising, and the proportion of takeaway forms increases. Being busy with making money, neglecting management, and coping with supervision, hygiene has become a common problem.

  "If you only pursue novel marketing and profit acquisition without guaranteeing food quality and safety, you will eventually not be able to withstand the test of time." Chen Yinjiang, deputy secretary general of the China Consumer Rights Protection Law Research Association, believes that milk tea operators are in addition to creating "IP." , We should spend more energy and cost on product quality control, and provide consumers with safe and assured products, in order to go further and further.

(Participation in writing: Sun Yuchen, Jian Ziqi)