Nearly one in five women, among the 102 who lost their lives in 2020 under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse, had filed a complaint against him for violence, according to the report "of" violent deaths within the couple "published on Monday.

According to this study, unveiled by

Le Parisien

and communicated by the Ministry of the Interior, 35% of feminicides occurred when the victims had already suffered violence, whether physical, psychological and / or sexual.

The lowest number of femicides in fifteen years

About 75% of these women had filed a complaint to report the facts to the police, or about 18% of the total victims.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on Sunday the priority treatment of complaints for domestic violence and the appointment of an officer specializing in this violence in each police station and each gendarmerie brigade.

The number of deaths for intra-marital violence (102 women, 23 men) is at its lowest for 15 years, after a black year in 2019 (146 feminicides).

Use of a firearm in a third of deaths

In a third of the deaths - all sexes combined - the perpetrator used a firearm.

Since July 2020, the weapons held by an abusive spouse can be seized from the first filing of a complaint.

In February, Gérald Darmanin had asked the prefects that this measure, adopted following the "Grenelle" against domestic violence, be systematic. An overwhelming majority (86%) of the facts took place at the home, of the victim or of the victim. 'author.

They are preceded by a dispute in 30% of cases.

Almost a quarter (24%) take place in the context of an unacceptable separation.

The authors are overwhelmingly men (82%), of French nationality, aged 30 to 49 (43%) or over 70 (22%), unemployed or retired (66%).

The majority of deceased women are between 30 and 49 years old (40%) or over 70 years old (21%).

For elderly victims (16% are over 80), illness and old age are the main cause of the act.

In more than half of the cases (52%), alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic drugs were consumed by the perpetrator or his victim.


102 women killed in 2020 ... Gérald Darmanin announces new measures against feminicides


Paris: "Silence, they are killing us" ... A march denounces the inaction of the State against feminicides

  • Violence against women

  • Society

  • Interior ministry

  • Feminicide