The regional malaise with the Government that preceded the Salamanca meeting and that Sánchez's propaganda announcements failed to appease will be redoubled today, when the bilateral meeting of the Prime Minister with Pere Aragonès is scheduled.


this photo comes to deny the grand invention of co-governance

, a merely rhetorical device through which Sánchez has spent a year leaving in the hands of the regional councilors all responsibility in the management of d

e the pandemic, while deepening the inequality of budgetary treatment imposed by its parliamentary alliances with the independence movement.

Urkullu has already received his separate payment for condescending to appear in Salamanca with the other barons and today Aragonès, whom the pardons have only persuaded that he must continue to squeeze the weakness of the State under sanchismo,

will again demand privileges from those who depend on ERC's votes in Congress


The Minister of the Presidency of the Generalitat, Laura Vilagrà, with the arrogance typical of any blackmailer, has made very clear the attitude with which Aragonès presents himself today in Moncloa: "We want 56 transfers of powers and we want them quickly."

That the autonomies are going to manage 55% of European funds is not the magnanimous gift that Sánchez intends to sell.

To begin with, he committed himself to it months ago in the presence of Ursula von der Leyen.

To continue, a decentralized State like ours simply does not have the capacity to carry out investments without the assistance of regional and local administrations.

And to finish,

the barons do not claim only to manage money, but true ability to decide on the best destination

of those funds, whose allocation and control remains in the hands of the Minister of Finance.

Does anyone believe that the communities governed by the PP will have the same margin of autonomy that Aragonès comes to shield today?

That asymmetry always in favor of the same consecrates a

especially gory inequality

for the poorest regions of Spain, which are not precisely the nationalist ones.

However, the tenant of La Moncloa does not intend to allow reality to spoil his triumphalist propaganda.

In a letter to the militants released yesterday, Sánchez once again boasted of pandemic management before his bases - he needs to agitate them to keep them mobilized now that the PP surpasses him in many polls - and attacks "the ferocity of the most irresponsible opposition in Europe", as he did on his non-stop US tour in Washington.


for ferocity that of Sánchez with his hard core

, recently purged unceremoniously in the reshuffle of the Government.

No one who is satisfied with his performance during the pandemic undertakes such a purge, which unfortunately has not been accompanied by a correlative change in direction, attitude and degree of solvency.

Draghi's Italy changed to take back the country;

Sánchez changes his own to stay in the same place.

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