I wanted to borrow 130,000 online, but was actually taken over 70,000 by the "net"

  □ Our reporter Xu Peng

  Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Xining City, Qinghai Province held a press conference on cracking down on new types of illegal and criminal telecommunications networks, reporting the city's effectiveness in cracking down on new types of telecommunications and criminal offences in the first half of 2021, and issued early warnings on current high-incidence cases of electronic fraud.

According to statistics from Xining City’s Anti-electric Fraud Center, among the current telecommunication network fraud cases, the most common type is network loan fraud, accounting for 30.5%, followed by network-induced investment and gambling fraud, accounting for 27.6%.

  A citizen desperately needed 130,000 yuan, so he went online to find some online loan-related information webpages, and when he clicked on the webpage, he was directly redirected to the App download page.

After the victim registered his personal information on the App, a stranger who claimed to be a customer service agent added the victim as a friend through WeChat and taught the victim to borrow money through the App software.

  After the victim further filled in the bank card information in accordance with the customer service's guidelines, the customer service informed him that his qualifications needed packaging before he could get a loan, and asked him to transfer 20,000 yuan, so the victim transferred 20,000 yuan to the loan officer via WeChat.

The customer service then claimed that the victim’s borrowing account was frozen due to an incorrect input and needed to be unfrozen, requiring the victim to pay 52,000 yuan to unfreeze the borrowing account, and the other party stated that the paid money would be issued together with the loan, and the victim paid the money. Later, it was discovered that there was still no thawing, and the other party vaguely stated that it needed to transfer money. At this time, the victim suspected that he had been cheated, so he called the police for help.

  According to the police, the typical feature of online loan fraud cases is that the criminal suspect uses "no mortgage and no review" as a gimmick to solicit victims who need loans, and collects a deposit under the name of "account freezing needs to be thawed" to complete the loan, etc. Insurance fees, activation fees, service fees, etc. are charged again in name.

In order to recover the money paid before, the victim can only complete the transfer according to the entire process designed by the criminal suspect for the victim, which led to the victim's money being defrauded.

Some self-employed individuals who urgently need money, office workers with advanced consumption concepts, college students and other groups are vulnerable groups.

  In network-induced investment and gambling fraud cases, criminal suspects usually look for targets on major dating platforms, first gain the trust of the victim by making friends, dating, etc., and then trick the victim into downloading fake investments, gambling apps, or logging in to fake websites. After the victim invested a large amount of money, the App and the fake website were closed, and all the suspects lost contact, resulting in damage to the victim’s funds.

The deceived groups of such crimes often have a certain amount of savings, or have a strong idea of ​​“investing to make money”. Because of the concept of “big investment and big return”, they often invest a lot of money, and some victims even make investment through borrowing .

  Citizen Mr. Zhan reported that he received a call from a strange woman. The two added friends and chatted frequently. Mr. Zhan had a good impression of the woman. He asked about her every day, and the other party responded positively.

Before long, the woman said that she had made a lot of money by investing in Hong Kong stocks, and she had inside information to induce Mr. Zhan to join her.

Mr. Zhan was convinced that he downloaded the software provided by the other party and invested 10,000 yuan in funds. Unexpectedly, he would soon have more than 1,000 yuan in income and successfully withdraw cash.

  After tasting the sweetness, Mr. Zhan invested an additional 150,000 yuan, hoping to get more benefits. This time Mr. Zhan saw that the platform had rebates, but he could not withdraw cash. The other party said that he is now engaged in activities, double the investment and double the rebates, Mr. Zhan After calculating, I found that I could make a profit of tens of thousands of yuan, so I borrowed money from a friend and invested another 150,000 yuan.

What he didn't expect was that the customer service suddenly informed that the platform was blocked, which caused the money in Mr. Zhan's account to be unable to withdraw cash.

Hearing this news, Mr. Zhan hurried to log on to the platform to check, but found that the platform could not be logged in, and the woman who was in love with him could not be contacted, and Mr. Zhan realized that he had been cheated.

  The police reminded that when applying for a loan, you must go to a formal financial institution. If the amount is not large, you can also pass through relatives and friends. Do not believe in small advertisements such as "no collateral and no review". Regular loans will not charge any fees before lending. Requests for payment of fees and running water, etc. under various names are all frauds.

Secondly, you must be cautious when making friends online, especially when netizens appear as "investment masters" or "financial practitioners" and recommend their respective platforms, be very vigilant and do not download and use their apps.