On July 30, local time, the Chinese team won the bronze medal in the Tokyo Olympics rowing women's eight-handed single oars with coxswain finals in 6 minutes 01.21 seconds, creating the best Olympic results of the Chinese team in this event.

  After the game, Chinese athlete Guo Linlin said that this medal is of great significance to them.

Guo Linlin said that our eight-man boat was temporarily set up 100 days before the opening of the Tokyo Olympics.

The medal gave us a great affirmation.

  Just over three months after the formation, they won the medal. How did the girls do it?

In this regard, Wang Yuwei said that we rely on the strength of the team. Without a good and strong guarantee team, we would not be able to get to where we are today. Thanks to the motherland.

(Reporter Zhao Anyuan and Wen Mengxin produced Lu Huiqian)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]