After listening to the balance that Sánchez made of his administration, we can conclude that he did not execute the government crisis to correct his obsession with propaganda but to give it new impetus.

The openly triumphalist speech allowed by the president of

the European nation hardest hit health and economically by the pandemic

takes citizens for mentally weak, now that so much is said about mental health in sport.

Sánchez awarded himself the 'gold medal in

vaccination ”-that is, the award was attributed to an exercise carried out by others: the autonomies- and it boasted that it had already“ activated ”94% of its promises and fulfilled 32%.

He gave those percentages as he could have given others, entrusting himself to the magic of his own numbers like a player who cheats solitaire.

For the rest, there is no mathematician capable of encrypting the degree of compliance with

the word of a liquid president

, which has elevated to virtuosity the art of betraying promises and amending commitments in strict accordance with its survival in the very short term.

Sánchez's program did not include the historical rise in the electricity and fuel bills, the chain of five viral waves without an appropriate legislative apparatus to combat them, the increased concession of

bilateral privileges

to its pro-independence partners who exacerbate the comparative grievance with the autonomies loyal to the Constitution and in solidarity with the common, the patronage colonization of all the institutions that have been left, the

systematic attack on the judiciary

to subordinate it to the interest of Moncloa, the shameful inability to condemn the Cuban dictatorship while turning the bones of the Franco regime with new censorship purposes, the

debt and spending shot

-more public employment, another increase in the minimum wage- without any adjustment horizon, the incessant doctrinal dispute in the coalition on account of rent or labor reform or pensions,

ridicule on the outside and sectarianism on the inside.

If all of this had been on Sánchez's original program, then there would be reasons for him to display the shameless euphoria of yesterday.

The deterioration of the Sanchista message is undeniable, according to reliable surveys.

His word has been worth nothing for a long time

Nor for a good part of the left, which is moved before by the rejection of the right-wing alternative than by legitimate pride in the positive action of the Government.

The communities, including the socialists, no longer hide their tiredness with the cosmetic swallow of the Conference of Presidents or with the blackmailing of funds in exchange for unconditional support.

At the height of impudence, the president invested and supported by ERC and Bildu

ensures that Spain will emerge from the crisis with greater "territorial cohesion"

, while preparing the separatist negotiating table where to auction, if they remain, new pieces of State in exchange for votes in Congress.

The hope in a change of course of this Government is extinguished.

And that sad observation must first of all challenge Casado, who must offer a

solid alternative

that forces Sánchez at the polls to render accounts that he does not know how to render otherwise.

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