[Explanation] Recently, the smart fitness mirror has become a popular item in the fitness industry.

How can a mirror help you keep fit?

On July 30, the reporter came to a store of a certain brand of smart fitness mirrors in Beijing and saw that some customers were experiencing it.

According to the store staff, when using it, you need to log in to the member account in the mobile app to select courses.

One of its highlights is AI human-computer interaction.

  [Concurrent] Liu Zihan, experience consultant of a brand's smart fitness mirror store

  It has such an AI function, that is, it has a sensor that can identify 16 bone points of our body.

After this place is lit, we can recognize whether the actions we are doing are standard.

We can take a look, it is now talking about the essentials of action.

If I do the right one, it will count and score according to the level of standards I have completed. There is also a ranking below.

If you don’t do it right, it will prompt you what you need to do.

Bring your feet together and remind you step by step.

  [Explanation] The reporter found that the types of courses in the product APP are relatively rich, and there are also special training programs for young people, elderly people and other groups.

The staff said that some gyms have also introduced this product to assist students in warming up before class.

  [Concurrent] Liu Zihan, experience consultant of a brand's smart fitness mirror store

  The types of courses are aimed at various members of the family, and there are courses for men, women and children.

Strength shaping, stretching, posture correction, yoga, Pilates, and aerobic dancing, as well as some children's exclusive, and the elderly can take Tai Chi classes.

We also have this kind of cooperation with many gyms. They are all used to put them in the gym. As a student's warm-up before class, and after class stretching are very good choices.

It can play an auxiliary role, and for the gym, it also depends on the gym's own needs. In fact, it can also replace some simple training.

  [Explanation] According to data, during the 618 e-commerce promotion in 2021, the brand's smart fitness mirrors sold more than 3000 units in a single day in all channels.

In this regard, experts said that during the outbreak, many gyms were forced to press the "pause button", which also added fire to the smart fitness mirror to enter the field of fitness equipment.

  [Concurrent] Liu Chunsheng, Associate Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics

  Under the epidemic, many people have no way to go to the gym, or feel that the gym is not safe, and then choose to exercise at home.

In the process of home fitness, a batch of home fitness equipment was born.

Everyone actually has a natural sense of curiosity about this kind of smart fitness equipment or smart device, which is a cool lifestyle or life behavior.

  [Explanation] At present, dozens of brands have launched smart fitness mirrors, and the price ranges from more than 2,000 yuan to more than 9,000 yuan.

Liu Chunsheng analyzed that the current smart fitness mirror is still in the "cultivation period" of the market, and the cost of the product cannot be reduced, and the high price is one of the barriers preventing the product from further opening up the market.

  [Concurrent] Liu Chunsheng, Associate Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics

  This kind of smart fitness equipment should play a role as a supplement rather than a substitute.

It is such a thing as a high price, high content output, and high technical content.

Therefore, its price remains high, and I think it will limit its overall marketing.

In the future, I still hope that it can make breakthroughs in technology on the one hand and give consumers a better experience.

On the other hand, it can get out of barriers as soon as possible, expand its scale, lower its product prices, and obtain a greater degree of promotion.

  Reporting from Beijing by reporter Lang Jiahui

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]