Crack the "blood code" and reunite the abducted families

To find the key link, the police often have to check thousands of pieces of information

  In July of this year, Guo Gangtang, a man from Shandong, met his son who had been abducted for 24 years, and his journey of seeking relatives for more than 500,000 kilometers for 24 years came to a successful conclusion.

Guo Gangtang and his wife found their son Guo Xinzhen, which is a microcosm of the reunion of many abducted families.

Behind the "Reunion", the silent contributions of the police cannot be separated.

  On July 23, a reporter from Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point interviewed the relevant policemen and listened to them how to break through the difficulty of finding relatives in the "Reunion Operation".

  Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point reporter Zhang Guotong

Check thousands of clues

Just to find the key link

  "Break the bones and connect the tendons." This is a saying often said by the older generation.

In front of family love, no matter where you are, the magical "electric waves" between blood ties will always attract each other.

For families suffering from the separation of flesh and blood, this kind of blood relationship is even more precious.

  At the beginning of this year, according to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, local public security organs launched a "reunion operation" to detect accumulated cases of child abduction, find missing and abducted children, arrest a group of suspects of child abduction, and strive to reunite more separated families as soon as possible.

  In carrying out the reunion operation, the police often face cases of 10 years, 20 years or even longer.

In many cases, the physical characteristics of abducted children have undergone earth-shaking changes. In addition to the long time span of abducted children, the parties have already blurred some key information. Therefore, the comparison of information and data has become one of the most effective methods to prove the blood relationship. .

  "When the police conduct analysis and judgment, they are faced with hundreds of data and information, and these information and data need to be verified one by one." An abduction policeman told reporters that accurate research and judgment of data and information is particularly important.

  The police work continuously on the computer for several hours every day, checking and analyzing thousands of clues. After a long time, they are tired with backaches and bloodshot eyes. However, the police never shout tired because they help the abducted family reunite. The responsibilities of public security officers.

Some people don’t even know

I was abducted

  In previous interviews, the reporter learned that finding relatives is difficult to go smoothly because the clues provided by some of the abducted children’s parents or the abducted children are vague, such as blurred birth dates, no images of the abducted persons, and only the abducted persons. Information on the parent of the child abducted or the child abducted, etc.

Under this circumstance, the police need to carry out a lot of research and judgment work.

  "This is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Although data and information are sometimes successfully compared, after further verification, it is found that the person we are looking for is not the person we are looking for. In addition, cases where the child was abducted for a longer period of time or when the child was abducted at the time of the incident was even younger. It’s difficult to detect.” A policeman engaged in abductions said that after receiving an alarm from the person concerned, the police will immediately start information collection and other tasks, and then conduct verification based on the results of screening and sorting to determine whether the person in the country is a family member of the abducted. Looking for.

  However, in the process of clue checking, when some children were abducted because they could not remember what happened when they were young, they have been living with their adoptive parents since then, and the adoptive parents have not told them their life experience, so that they are fundamentally aware of it. Don’t or don’t want to believe that you have been trafficked.

An abducted policeman told reporters that an 80-year-old old man was assisted by his family to report to the public security organ, hoping to find his son who had been abducted for many years.

  Through information and data comparison, the police successfully matched a man. When the police found the man for further verification, he was very excited without knowing it. After repeated persuasion by the police, he agreed to collect information, and finally passed a further comparison. Yes, the man was reunited with his parents.

Look and voice will change

The emotion of blood thicker than water will not change

  For the parents of abducted children and the abducted children, their lives have been forcibly changed by traffickers. Although their looks and voices have changed over the past few decades, their feelings of blood thicker than water will never change.

  In June this year, Zhu Jixian, an old man in sixties who lived in Huainan, Anhui for 58 years, returned to his hometown through the efforts of the public security police in Chengwu County, Heze City.

  In August 2019, the Boleji Police Station of the Chengwu County Public Security Bureau received a special request for assistance. The 90-year-old Zhu Guan from Yuhuangmiao Village in the jurisdiction was accompanied by his eldest son Zhu Jiliang to report the case, hoping to reunite with his long-lost children in his lifetime.

  According to Zhu Guan’s eldest son Zhu Jiliang, in the summer of 1963, Zhu Guan and her husband took three children (the eldest son Zhu Jiliang was 10 years old, the second son Zhu Jixian was 5 years old, and the youngest daughter Zhu Cuiping was 1 year old) in Jiangsu. , Henan area to make a living, because of entanglement and exhaustion, the family drifted to Shangqiu, Henan.

In Shangqiu, the husband and wife had a dispute over trivial matters. Zhu Guan’s husband took Zhu Jixian, who was only 5 years old, to stay in Shangqiu, while Zhu Guan took Zhu Jiliang and Zhu Cuiping back to Chengwu’s hometown.

In 1968, Zhu Guan’s husband went home alone. After questioning, Zhu Guan learned that his second son, Zhu Jixian, was lost in Shangqiu.

There is no tragedy in the world than the bitterness of parting family.

"5 years old, lost in a different place in the 1960s", the information is so vague, it is not easy to find a missing person in the vast crowd.

But seeing the look in Zhu Guanshi's expectant eyes, the police secretly made up their minds to give the old man a satisfactory answer.

  The police from the Boleji Police Station immediately collected blood samples of Zhu Guanshi and his eldest son Zhu Jiliang, sent them to the Criminal Science and Technology Department for examination, and entered the relevant information into the information system of the national public security organs to find abducted and missing children.

In June 2021, the Chengwu County Public Security Bureau received a message from a higher-level public security agency that Zhu Guan’s DNA was comparable to that of a man surnamed Yifan in Huainan City, Anhui Province.

The police came again to collect blood samples of Zhu Guan's and his children.

After a comparison and review by the public security organs of the two places, it was confirmed that the man surnamed Fan was Zhu Guanshi's lost second son, Zhu Jixian.

  "Children are the flesh that fell from their parents. This love of flesh and blood is inseparable." A policeman told reporters that he had been engaged in abduction work for many years, and every time he recalled the scene of the two parties embracing and crying when they confessed their relatives, he told reporters. His eye sockets will be moistened involuntarily.

  After obtaining the exact clues through analysis and judgment, the police will notify the parties as soon as possible. At this time, the parties are usually unbelievable: Is this true?

Can you meet as soon as possible?

  "In order to find the separated relatives, many families have put in too much effort. Therefore, the reunion operation is of great significance and is worth all the efforts of our police. The next thing we have to do is to do each job more patiently, meticulously and accurately, because Behind every piece of data and information, there is a dream of reunion of the abducted family.” An abducted policeman said lamented.