[Explanation] In response to the typhoon "Fireworks", from July 24, Shanghai has carried out emergency relocation of people from construction sites, dangerous sheds and simple houses.

That night, in the coastal area of ​​Shanghai’s Jinshan District, the reporter followed the staff door-to-door to inform the people to evacuate. There are mostly old houses in this area. Once disastrous weather occurs, the danger is greater.

  The first transfer vehicles in Jinshan District came to the resettlement site with a full load of residents. After the temperature registration was completed, the residents led by volunteers to their rooms.

  [Concurrent] Resettlement site scene

  Do you have anything you need?

(Not now) If you need it later, there will be our people on the stairs.

Tell me, can we try our best to meet your requirements?

  [Concurrent] Mr. Liu, the resettlement site staff

  There are instant noodles, hot water, and pure water as soon as I arrive at this place. The conditions are very satisfactory, not to mention the convenience of living. They are all air-conditioned houses.

  [Concurrent] Feng Jiadong, Director of Community Service Office, Petrochemical Sub-district, Jinshan District, Shanghai

  At present, there are 18 classrooms in total, and a total of up to 204 people can be transferred. We have also prepared some necessities for daily life, and some masks, including some hand sanitizers, and we are also equipped with the corresponding anti-epidemic materials.

  [Explanation] As of July 25, all bus lines in Shanghai Jinshan have been suspended.

In addition, the reporter also learned that there are currently 2,392 resettlement sites in Shanghai, with 359,000 people evacuated from danger.

More than 1,700 ships entered the port for shelter from the wind, reinforced 110,000 trees, reinforced more than 10,000 advertising lights, and freed up about 470 million cubic meters of storage capacity.

  Zhang Jian and Zhu Yi report from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]