[Explanation] Recently, the Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Hebi City, Henan Province opened multiple flood storage and detention areas.

  [Explanation] On July 25, a reporter from China News Service came to Xiwangdu Village, Xiaohe Town, Junxian County, which was within the flood storage and detention area. village.

  [Concurrent] China News Agency reporter Zhang Qin

  An hour ago, when we entered the village, the water on this road just passed my ankle, but just an hour later, when we were about to leave the village, the water had almost reached the position of my calf.

  [Explanation] The reporter then went to the streets near the Xiaohe Town Government and saw that most shops along the street were closed and the highway was empty and quiet.

  [Explanation] 34-year-old Geng Tonglu is a villager in Xiaohe Town. He opened a maternity and baby shop on the most prosperous commercial street near the provincial highway 4 years ago.

When the reporter saw him, he was building a temporary waterproof wall at the entrance of the store.

  [Concurrent] Geng Tonglu, a villager in Xiaohe Town

  This will serve as a temporary waterproof (function), and then if the water is small, it is better, if the water is large, it will not be able to keep it.

  [Commentary] Geng Tonglu told reporters that most of the villagers have relied on relatives and friends or are placed in safe areas. After the temporary waterproof wall is built, he and his wife are also preparing to evacuate.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar street in front of him, Geng Tonglu's eyes were red.

  [Concurrent] Geng Tonglu, a villager in Xiaohe Town

  Normally, this town is a provincial highway. Cars going back and forth to Zhengzhou pass here. The street is still very lively, including from this intersection to the north, it is also very lively, which is the same as a commercial street. , But now there is no one.

  [Explanation] Leaving Xiaohe Village, the reporter and his party went to Liyang Middle School located in the county seat of Junxian County, where more than 850 migrants from Xiaohe Town were housed.

Jiang Cunting, 70, told reporters that he was reluctant to leave at first, but after arriving here, he not only had three meals a day for free, but he also lived in an air-conditioned student dormitory, and his mood gradually stabilized.

  [Concurrent] Jiang Cunting, a villager in Xiaohe Town

  Usually at home is steamed steamed bun noodles, (sometimes) steamed rice, (we eat) we don’t have meat every day, and we don’t have so many two dishes like eggs every day.

  [Explanation] It is reported that as of July 23, Henan Province has opened 7 flood storage and detention areas.

On July 24, the Hebi City Government's flood prevention work press conference introduced that when the water level and flow remain high, measures such as shifting flood peaks and opening flood storage and detention areas will ensure overall flood control safety and reduce overall losses.

  Reporter Zou Hao Zhang Qin reports from Hebi, Henan

Editor in charge: [Zhang Kaixin]