Including eating slowly.. 3 ways to get rid of heartburn

Malnutrition is often a major cause of permanent heartburn, in addition to a number of reasons that may be causing it, but to a lesser extent.

American nutritionist Vicki Petersen revealed a number of factors that cause permanent heartburn, while providing a number of tips to eliminate them.

Peters said that being overweight and a diet rich in fat in addition to smoking and stress lead to heartburn, and insomnia can lead to this, so it is recommended to eat a light meal before bed.

Excessive caffeine intake in the body can also lead to heartburn.

Heartburn can appear if an esophageal hernia occurs.

Petersen listed three effective ways, according to her opinion, to eliminate acidity in the first period, and they were slow consumption of food and good chewing of it, not going to bed after eating, and exercising on an empty stomach.

"Excessive filling of the stomach can cause cramps and heartburn. Try to eat more slowly and spend more time chewing. After eating, stay standing. If you lie down, this may interfere with the effective movement of stomach contents into the intestines."

Petersen added that after eating, you should wait half an hour to an hour before starting to exercise. She emphasized that this rule does not apply to cases of low intensity physical activity, for example, walking.