Not so many months ago that the whole of Spain faced a cold wave and citizens paid the most expensive electricity bill in many years.

Then, the Minister of Ecological Transition assured that the rise would be limited to four euros per month and that, once the wind blew - Teresa Ribera


-, the situation would improve.

Go if the wind has blown since January, but that has not prevented us Spaniards from having spent several days paying the most expensive electricity in all of Europe, marking, incl

use, historical records, as happened yesterday.

In any country with a serious government, the occurrences and ridicules of Ribera - who also recommended that we use the appliances at dawn - would have consequences.

Here, on the other hand, our leaders abandon responsibilities and allow themselves to carry them on other shoulders.

When the PSOE and Podemos were in opposition, the Government was attacked for every tiny rise in electricity.

These words from Sánchez to Rajoy still resonate:

«You are very expensive for the Spanish»

. Now from Moncloa the scandalized ones are made, as if they were not in charge of the management, and they blame Brussels. This is what Ribera did yesterday, who assured that only the European Commission can intervene to alleviate the rising cost of the bill by reviewing the market for CO2 emission rights. Excuses never end for demagogues, who never assume their obligations or learn from their mistakes.

Certainly one of the factors driving the price is the cost of CO2. And this must be part of the race unleashed in Europe by the ecological transition, of which Ribera is a staunch defender, but now she says she sees the dire consequences of not graduating it and clarifies that it cannot be a guillotine for the consumer. However, this factor also affects the rest of the countries, and those of us who pay the heaviest bills are the Spanish. And it is that the causes of the high price of light -with an enormous cost for the consumer but also for the competitiveness of our economy- are many: the imbalances between supply and demand, the difficulties and absence of stimuli and sufficient infrastructures to extract energy from renewable sources,the increase in gas prices or levies paid by producers and which affect the market; everything shoots final receipt. Solutions must be sought, on a large scale. We have been pointing out for years that the system needs

structural reforms

, because they are the only ones that can protect consumers.

On the other hand, the Government promotes patches, such as the partial and temporary reduction of the VAT that was approved yesterday in Congress, with more placebo effect than real, since the reduction is not even noticeable with such an increase.

There is an energy crisis that is suffering, especially those who have fewer resources.

And the Executive has a lot of room to act, since only 30% of the price of electricity is due to consumption.

Inaction and blows will not end the crisis that, when the PP ruled, was described as "energy poverty."

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