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  • Health Why does the Covid vaccine hurt?

Later side effects to the vaccine, such as





pain at site of injection


muscle pain

and articular,




are directly related to the immune response to the vaccine. However, the belief has been wrongly spread that the sicker you feel after the injection, the more effective the

vaccine is

. Although the side effects are proof that the immune system is activating


it is not certain that everyone is sick once they receive the vaccine. It is possible to have an effective immune response without noticeable side effects.

1. Why don't we all react in the same way?

Immune responses can vary and be influenced by





health status,

and also the dose you are receiving (more common after the second dose in mRNA vaccines and after the first dose of AstraZeneca).

Each person exhibits a different immune response, but the effectiveness of vaccines does not depend on them.

In the clinical study of the


vaccine, it

was found to be

95% effective

against the disease in those who received it, regardless of age, sex or ethnicity.

However, only half of the volunteers reported adverse reactions such as muscle aches, fatigue, fever.

2. Who are the biggest side effects on?

In general, the elderly population report fewer side effects than younger people


and women tend to develop stronger immune responses than men.

3. Why does my arm hurt?

When the vaccine is injected into the arm, the body considers it a threat and establishes defenses.

The first is a

local inflammatory reaction

and is the reason why pain or swelling may be felt.

Sometimes arm pain is associated with swollen

lymph nodes in the armpit area


4. Should we worry about the fever?

The swelling can go beyond the arm, the injection site, and spread to other parts of the body, causing a rise in temperature and widespread pain in the first place.

The appearance of fever confirms that the body is developing its immune defenses against the virus


Typically, the temperature begins to rise within twenty-four hours after vaccination, more rarely after forty-eight, and generally lasts no more than two days.

5. Can the smear be positive after vaccination?

Since the


do not contain


, it is not possible to contract


or test positive on the swab due to immunization.

The vaccines contain or, in the case of mRNA vaccines, induce the production of very small parts of the virus, but these are not detected by the tests.

Furthermore, the immune response induced by


is locally limited to the arm.

No component of the vaccine can migrate from the arm to the nose or throat (where the swab is made).

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus

  • Covid 19

  • Science and Health

  • Vaccines

  • HBPR

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