Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated at a regular press conference on July 19 that the indigenous people are gradually becoming an "invisible group" and a "disappearing race" in the United States.

  He said that the history of the United States is the history of blood and tears of the aborigines.

The United States adopted policies such as the Westward Movement, or coerced and lured the indigenous people into signing land transfer agreements with unequal conditions, or issued administrative orders to force the indigenous people to move, or directly used force to kill and drive them away.

Through various disgraceful means, the U.S. government seized about 6 million square kilometers of land from the natives, accounting for about two-thirds of the U.S. territory.

Today, in the vast United States, the homes that originally belonged to the aborigines are nowhere to be found, and only sporadic "reservations" are left to witness their miserable experience of discrimination and marginalization.

  Zhao Lijian said that some Native American activists once bluntly said that the erasure of Native Americans and their history is the original sin of the United States.

The United States, which flourished by looting the homes of Indians and committing heinous crimes against humanity, used lies and false information to discredit other countries' national policies and spread rumors and slanders against other countries for ulterior purposes.

What qualifications do they have?

In the face of the souls of tens of millions of killed Indians, those American politicians who spread rumors will always be condemned by justice and conscience.

(Producing Wang Jiayi)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]