In addition to "procrastination", there is also "premature disease", see how many you have won

  "Premature disease" looks more powerful and gives people a "reliable" feeling.

It is also a defense mechanism against anxiety


  On the day of the graduation trip, Xiaoqing and her friends had a slightly unpleasant quarrel.

They took a flight from Kunming to Shanghai at 5pm. Xiaoqing insisted on leaving at noon, but Weiwei hoped to take a nap after dinner and go to the airport.

In the end, there was a stalemate, and the two people living in the same dormitory had to part ways according to their own ideas.

  At one noon, Xiaoqing had arrived at the airport. Her early psychological presumption was: "What should I do if there is a traffic jam on the road? What should I do if there is a queue at the airport? In case of any accident, it will take time to deal with..." Xiaoqing waited for two at the airport alone After many hours, I finally saw Wei Wei's figure.

"Why are you so nervous when you have time? You just eat some bread on the road, and then sit for a few hours boringly, why bother?" Wei Wei's words made Xiaoqing ponder, "Although it is more reassuring in advance, but It really made me nervous, and the normal rhythm was a bit messy."

  In life, many people have had "procrastination" and are envious of others' ability to complete tasks ahead of schedule.

"Those who can finish ahead of schedule are all big guys!" However, just like Xiaoqing, some people who prefer to get ahead have their own troubles and are plagued by "premature symptoms."

  Before the expiration date, junior Jia Lin was writing her task list once every ten days. The blank pages were quickly filled with neatly arranged to-do items, and two items were marked on the far right side of each item. There are two deadlines, the first one is the deadline that needs to be completed objectively, the second one is the deadline set by Jialin separately for herself: "1. Submit the "Administrative Ethics" course paper, April 23-April 11. 2. Delivery of summer internship resumes, April 25th-April 12th... "It is obviously that the deadline is nearly half a month, so in order to complete it early, she automatically advances it a lot.

Jialin had to deal with something at home, and a paper was delayed for three days.

In order to keep up with the progress, she turned down the invitation of a friend she hadn't seen for a long time, and it took another overnight to finally complete it, and at that time there were still ten days before the real deadline.

  Many relatives and friends know Jialin's habit and praise her as a self-disciplined girl.

However, Jialin knows that this self-discipline is not entirely a beautiful experience.

She said frankly, "Who wants to be so tired? I just can't help myself. I keep thinking about things before I finish doing things. I don't have any peace of mind." Another time I went to Mount Tai to watch the sunrise with my classmates, Jia Lin put everything in advance. The arrangements were in place, but when she arrived at the top of the mountain at five in the morning, she suddenly saw an email from a teacher asking her to help proofread a document of more than 5,000 words.

"The teacher didn't say that I must do it that day, but as soon as I turned it on, my nerves became nervous and I no longer wanted to play. I had to do it right away. At the moment of sunrise, everyone else was taking pictures, and I was driving the computer to proofread. It’s so disappointing!” Although planning in advance can keep life organized, when changes happen suddenly, the good moments in the plan can also be “destroyed”, making “premature people” particularly frustrated.

  Since the media "Curiosity Daily" published a survey, "When do you have'progress' in your daily life?" Netizens gave different answers, "Things that can be done independently and do not require social interaction, It will do so in advance, "I will definitely arrive two hours in advance if I take a plane or catch a train" and so on.

Like "procrastination", "premature disease" has also resonated with many people.

  Sometimes, "advance" is not only your own business, but also affects cooperation with others.

Achi, who is engaged in product work in the Internet industry, regards it as a guideline in advance.

Products that usually take two or three months to go online are delivered to him, and they can go online quickly within a month, so he is called an "efficiency expert".

Although Azhi's "single-soldier combat" is very efficient, conflicts are prone to occur when working with colleagues.

"I am a product post, and I often have to connect with colleagues who are doing operations and development. Whenever I communicate with them, I give feedback as soon as possible, and I hope that everyone can move forward as soon as possible. But there are always colleagues who are slower and often urge The other party will have disputes and will not be able to take the next step, which makes people very irritable." In the workplace, "premature disease" accelerates the output of results, but the asynchronous "jet lag" also causes communication barriers.

  Regarding the phenomenon of "premature syndrome", Li Chuxi, a registered psychologist in the CPS clinical registration system of the Chinese Psychological Society, commented, "Whether it is'procrastination' or'progression', these two states are not psychological disorders. 'Illnesses', they are a way of defense for people to cope with anxiety, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of adaptability."

  "'Procrastination' has an evasive nature. What it achieves is the final stimulating completion. Compared with the'procrastination', it looks more powerful and gives people a sense of'reliable'."

  "People who like to advance will use actions to eliminate the anxiety caused by unfinished tasks by focusing on a certain moment in the future. Under the'progressive disorder', in order to complete the task and reduce the pressure, they would rather make a certain sacrifice. Super "action" is sometimes enviable, but in fact, they may not be as happy as they seem, and they will not relax because they have done things well in advance, but will find and complete more "future anxiety" , Unable to extricate itself from the vortex of eliminating anxiety."

  "Premature disease" is good for speed, but how can they relieve their anxiety?

Li Chuxi suggested, "The bottom line of'prognosis' is the desire to increase the sense of control and reduce uncertainty. We can try to improve our ability to tolerate uncertainty in order to face troubles. For example, to talk about your feelings to your loved ones, from the attachment relationship Get emotional comfort, trust and certainty."

  In addition, you also need to understand and accept your anxiety, live with your emotions, and face those moments when you are unable to change, instead of rejecting emotions and denying yourself.

"If we can accept the so-called negative effects of'advanced disease', we can live with it peacefully without changing it."

  Whether it is "procrastination" or "procrastination", it is a manifestation of relieving anxiety that we can find by instinct, and it is also a way of exploring and adjusting ourselves.

A tick on the task list will make yourself easier.

If you feel tired after checking, take a break and look out the window, which is not a kind of inner healing SPA.

  Zhao Keyi Source: China Youth Daily