Can the hustle and bustle of extracurricular reading material market allow young people to read quietly?

What books will a 6-year-old school-age child read after school?

The mother of a 6-year-old boy, Ma, in Dongcheng District, Beijing, provided such a list of books.

In the book list, there are colored picture books of famous works such as "The Peony Pavilion" and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", as well as literary enlightenment reading materials such as "Classic Childhood Picture Book of Lu Xun" and "Beautiful Modern Poems". "And other character development books.

My favorite book is "Little Peas in the First Grade".

The reporter learned during the interview that "reading" is an education method that families of school-age children attach great importance to.

Especially with the increase in the proportion of information reading in each subject examination, after-school reading has become an important part of family education.

However, parents also have a lot of confusion when their children get close to the books.

A parent of a first-grade primary school student in Yangpu District, Shanghai, told reporters that his daughter saw this description when reading the fairy tale "Little Pig Snoring": "Mother Pig gave birth to 12 children, 11 of them are girls. I waited until the twelfth one before I looked forward to a boy. Daddy Pig yelled'Wow! Boy' happily! He held him high above his head and shouted,'This is my good baby'." And this one is the only one. The boy of is also the protagonist of this book, named "Heli Hulu".

The parent said in confusion: "When describing girls, this book uses a lot of appearances to describe'a girl's home with a thin and long neck and a big tail... ugly'! What about the boy? All are precious. Girls with some flaws in their appearance are often'ugly to death'. Isn't this patriarchal?"

Parents who are younger than the second grade primary school in Chaoyang District, Beijing also have a lot of confusion. In the extracurricular reading "Hu Xiaonao's Diary" recommended by the teacher, the children headed by Hu Xiaonao, when they disagree with their parents, did not adopt a different method. Dialogue and exchange, but collective not going home or even hunger strike.

"If conflicts arise between children and their parents and teachers, why can't they be resolved properly and should be described in extreme ways?"

How to resolve the confusion in these readings?

How to choose a good book and read a good book in the process of close reading?

The reporter launched an investigation.

1. Chinese learning and English books are the easiest to "step on thunder"

  In fact, not only Chinese books, but some English enlightenment picture books are more or less confusing to parents.

Li Yan, a parent of a first-year primary school student in Haidian District, Beijing, told reporters that she purchased the English enlightenment picture book "RAZ" with a public account that explains children's reading. During the reading process, she found that the book contains "I like poppies." Describing, she felt "unbelievable", and then put away this set of books.

  In addition to disapproval of the content and concepts of the books, many parents, especially the parents of school-age children, reported that the biggest confusion they felt was "confusion" in reading.

  Children are just beginning to learn and are full of interest in a lot of knowledge, which is the "golden period" of learning.

At this time, should I learn emotional management, learn Chinese classics, learn English, or learn all of them?

Some parents will purchase books for their children based on the needs of school, such as poetry and essays that may be encountered in Chinese class, and number operations that may be encountered in math class.

More parents purchase books through the recommendation of some parenting bloggers and reading public accounts.

In the previous article, Xiao Ma's mother was a book purchased for her child through the Chinese enlightenment book list published by the parenting blogger "Mama Ai Jiang".

  The reporter interviewed Gu Ming (pseudonym), a practitioner in charge of children's book recommendation. He told reporters that they were "using the confusion of parents" to recommend books.

"At present, the market is very large. Parents are more susceptible to the influence of the Internet, and the psychology of conformity is obvious. For example, some celebrities use their own experience or the experience of cultivating their children through the'celebrity effect' as packaging, and they are marked with'big language'. "Reading class" and other labels, launch articles on the official account, and then use the traffic team to develop the "WeChat fan group" offline to promote books. Some so-called "head reading public accounts" such as "×叔telling stories" often make a lot of money. They Some of the recommended books are very good, but some are implicit advertisements, and the quality is difficult to guarantee. At the same time, behind these official accounts there are a series of marketing methods such as'reporting training classes' + promotion of teaching supplementary books, and some are big' The chickens' group has cooperated with them, which increases educational anxiety." Gu Ming said.

  Which types of books are the easiest to "step on thunder" in the process of reading?

According to Gu Ming, there are two major categories of books that are "the hardest hit areas."

"One category is Chinese studies books, and the other category is English enlightenment books." Gu Ming said.

  "In the words of our industry, these two types of books have'infinite target markets' and have no margins. The first is Chinese studies. How many ancient poems should preschool children recite? There is no conclusion, so a Tang poem can be compiled and re-edited. Your family My child will recite 100 Tang poems at the age of 5, and my child must be familiar with the full text of the "Disciple Guidance" and "San Zi Jing" at the age of 6. In addition, some elementary school entrances do require a basis for recitation, so some familiar classics are finished. "Can "Four Books for Women" be published? These old concepts that have long been abandoned by history appear on the'book list' with the help of marketing." Gu Ming further explained, "The second is English, the same thing. Even if the elementary school zero is required There are very few children who start teaching, but don’t really learn English in advance. Once they learn in advance, they are faced with the question of'how much vocabulary should be mastered'. In some articles on public accounts, the answer is the more the better. Many foreign primary school originals The teaching materials are therefore recommended to preschool children and parents."

2. "Parent-child reading", parents must take care of the first pass

  In addition to marketing issues, what aspects of learning should parents strengthen themselves as their children grow up in reading?

Yao Ying, associate professor of the School of Curriculum and Teaching, Beijing Normal University, believes that children's publications have their own publishing standards, such as conforming to "core values" and benefiting children's physical and mental health.

But as a parent, you must improve your discernment perspective and improve your "media literacy."

"We must first make it clear that not all'recommended book lists' are good, and the ultimate right to select books is in the hands of parents." Yao Ying told reporters.

  "It is a good phenomenon to face reading squarely. Children's reading habits will benefit all their lives. However, with the development of the times and the renewal of concepts, parents must also learn more from the complicated market and make comprehensive judgments. Parents of current school-age children Most of the post-80s and post-90s have a wider field of vision." Yao Ying said, "But what needs to be paid attention to is that early reading is best done with parents and children. Parents can spend 10 to 20 minutes a day with their children. Let us read books together. This will not only cultivate reading habits, but also promote parent-child communication and family education."

  "Parent-child reading together" is also one of the ways that Gu Ming thinks can find "reading problems" most.

"Reading should be a process by which parents and children get to know the world together. Don't blindly follow the so-called'book list', and don't be disturbed by the cases of reciting poems and English in the'chicken baby group'.'It is better to believe in a book than without a book.' Some books The concept that needs to be updated in China requires parents to point it out for their children.” Gu Ming said.

  What worries Gu Ming is that with the development of multimedia platforms, reading will enter children's lives in many ways.

"This is of course a good thing. I mean that children's reading nowadays is more than just'reading'. Reading pens,'listening to books','simultaneous recitation','accent comparison scoring software', etc. are developed at the same time. Open a book Books are not just for reading, but also for listening and speaking. This will further squeeze children’s spare time. Now many children still listen to words with a "reading pen" on the way to school. In this environment, choosing books requires more parents to Good first pass." Gu Ming told reporters.

3. "Don't use pen and ink, don't read", there is a secret to read thoroughly

  As a practitioner in the field of Chinese language, He Yu, head of the Chinese Language Department of Beijing Chaoyang District Education and Research Center, a special-grade teacher in Beijing, and a leader of middle school Chinese, told reporters that he would not easily draw out a "systematic book list."

"I will recommend books for students based on their situation. There are two principles for recommendation: one is books that I have read many times and approved; the other is books that I have recommended to students and received positive feedback. I think'books' "On the contrary, it will restrict the development of children's thoughts. For example, Mr. Lu Xun has clearly stated that he will not issue books to students." He Yu said.

  The book he recommends most to his students is "The Analects".

"The Analects of Confucius is closely related to the teaching materials. On the one hand, it is recommended to get through inside and outside the classroom; on the other hand, the Analects can lay a deep cultural foundation for children. This is a book of ideological inheritance. It not only teaches students the principles of life, The idioms, allusions and thoughts are still alive throughout the millennia." He Yu said.

  In recent years, he has also heard feedback from students’ parents about reading confusion.

"For example, some parents reflect the description of premature love in "A Dream of Red Mansions", the description of violence in "Water Margin", etc. Some parents think whether it is possible to choose a'clean book' for their children. I think students are not living in a vacuum. Among them, some young children can choose "clean books", but children after middle school should be encouraged to read the original classics. They understand the truth in the process of reading, learn to distinguish, choose, and absorb valuable nutrients. This is all They are the only way to grow." He Yu told reporters.

  In reading, what principles need to be followed?

He Yu put forward four experiences.

"First, choose books according to the child’s age and experience. Secondly, it should be close to the textbooks. The textbooks are all fragments or single articles of classic classics, and the textbooks should be intensive reading; you can choose the entire classic classics after class, and the entire book can be read extensively. Intensive reading Combined with extensive reading, this is a good way to learn to read. Once again, “do not use pen and ink, do not read”. Students must consciously read the book with a pen. The process of criticizing and drawing is a process of infiltration. After reading the book, you can also follow your own comments Write after-reading and appreciative essays. Finally, don’t read a book narrowly, such as "The Analects", don’t just read the Analects, you can read "The Biography of Confucius", etc., to understand the life and history of the sages, from one to many, from A book goes to the system reading material around it, which will read the book thoroughly." He Yu said at last.

(Our reporter Yao Xiaodan)