[Explanation] As one of the world's five major robotics competitions, fighting robots are recognized as the most conducive to stimulating competitive spirit and innovative passion in the world.

With the popularity of related entertainment variety shows and TV series, fighting robots are loved by more and more new generations.

On July 9th, at the 2021 4th World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, exhibitors presented a unique fighting robot competition for the audience. Two robots in the fighting cabin sparked a burst of sparks and attracted the onlookers. Exclaimed and applauded.

  [Explanation] Among the contestants, the most eye-catching one is the 6-year-old girl.

After being bounced into the elimination zone by the opposing adult player, she successfully popped up within 10 seconds. Although she lost to the opponent this time, her performance won the recognition of the audience.

Instructor Sun Yingli told reporters that the little girl's name is Bu Xuanman, who is currently the smallest fighting robot player in China, and she is still very satisfied with today's performance.

  [Concurrent] Sun Yingli, instructor of Xuanzhi Technology Youth Training Team

  I didn't expect that she could come out by herself in the OUT area, because in fact, this is a little bit difficult for her operation.

Because she is here, after all, she is a little younger, unlike us adults who are more sensitive to direction.

  [Concurrent] Bu Xuanman, a student of Xuanzhi Technology Youth Training Team

  When I hit the wall, I jumped out. I was excited when I jumped out. Then I continued the game. Although I lost the game, I will definitely win next time.

  [Commentary] Instructor Sun Yingli said that the little girl Bu Xuanman has been learning fighting robots for two years, and the next step will guide her to assemble a fighting robot of her own for use in usual competitions.

  [Concurrent period] [Concurrent period] Sun Yingli, instructor of Xuanzhi Technology Youth Training Team

  She is a fighting robot who has studied with me for two years. The 1.5KG contact she participated in today has been for half a year, and then it is probably all operational content. We also have some simple maintenance content, and our later plan is Let her make her own 1.5KG fighting robot.

  [Explanation] Li Yunzhou, the founder of Xuanzhi Technology, said that fighting robots have different stunts. When they collide with their opponents, they can sparkle, flash and move, guard carefully, and wait for the next precise attack. They can also turn vertically. Rolling, rollers, ejection, gouge, etc., such "powerful" weapons, endow the competition with appreciation.

The production and tactics of fighting robots involve multiple fields of mechanical structure design, hardware control systems, materials science, and engineering mechanics. From the exploration of military and aerospace to the transformation of civilian use, a number of special technologies can be verified here in short, flat and quick ways. Playing an important role in industrial integration will also promote the rapid development of science and technology.

  [Concurrent] Li Yunzhou, founder and CEO of Xuanzhi Technology

  Its future development is very much like a racing car. The racing car has promoted the development of the automobile industry's engine, streamline, and energy circulation system for at least 30 years.

Then we combine science and technology, sports, and competition together, which is the form of our fighting robot. Then it can run a lot of underlying technologies, which are also some things that we currently lack in China, such as motors with high energy density. , Special steel, batteries with high discharge rate, etc.

After we test these things on the field, we then transform into the industry. This is a very good model of our industrial chain.

  Zhang Jian Shanghai Report

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]