Since the testimony of Britney Spears in court, everything explodes around the guardianship of the star.

Latest victim to date: the Bessemer Trust, appointed co-curator of the artist's fortune.

According to the

New York Times

, the


team has officially asked to end their participation.

“Following the testimony of the person under guardianship [Britney] at the hearing on June 23, the applicant learned that [the star] opposes the continuation of his guardianship and wishes to end it.

The petitioner respects his wishes, ”the Bessemer Trust explains in the document.

Before Congress

The Britney Spears affair is causing so much noise that many politicians are now taking an interest in it. In particular, a group of elected US Congressmen, led by Republicans Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, two of Donald Trump's most fervent supporters in the last presidential elections.

“The United States Congress should hear your story and take bipartisan action. What happened to you should never happen. Your story is so powerful, and the admiration of your work so great, you (and maybe only you) can blow this door wide open, giving hope to millions of people. Your life, your freedom and your happiness have been taken from you. Please enjoy the empowerment that public witnessing in Congress can unlock, ”read the open letter written by members of Congress, relayed by Billboard.

It should be noted that Matt Gaetz, supporter of far-right movements like the Proud Boys, climate skeptic, anti-abortion and conspiratorial activist, is currently under investigation for sex trafficking after being accused of having had sex with a woman. underage girl against money.

While his involvement in releasing Britney Spears from speaking may be sincere, it is also possible that he is simply looking to change his media image.


Iggy Azalea says he witnessed Britney Spears' father's control over singer

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