China News Service, Zhengzhou, July 1st (Li Mingming) "Take one hundred art classes in the classroom, it is better to let the children walk into nature and touch every leaf." Feng Bei, a young art teacher from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, told Journalist, during the summer vacation, choosing a short-term study trip for children who loves to paint is a good way for her to look forward to.

  Feng Bei is both a teacher and a mother. How the children will spend their summer vacation has become a problem for many parents like Feng Bei.

Recently, the reporter discovered during an interview that the "Research and Study Tour" is changing the parents' concept of childrearing.

Compared with the past vacation mode of "closed door reading" and "grabbing books", many parents now choose to let their children "go out" and receive "re-education" in nature, in order to let their children not only "read thousands of books" ", but also to "travel thousands of miles."

  The so-called "research and study tour" is a way to combine research study and travel experience to allow children to receive education in different fields.

The picture shows the children receiving revolutionary traditional culture education in front of a historical building.

Photo by Li Mingming

  "Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles" is not only the expectation of parents, but also the best way of education in the eyes of teachers.

Feng Bei said that he hopes that children can truly perceive the beauty of nature and cultivate sentiment in the process of "traveling thousands of miles."

"I think this way of study can allow children to acquire knowledge that they can't learn in books, and this knowledge can promote children to learn book knowledge better."

  During the visit, many parents said when they talked about their children's participation in research, "Research" is a "natural classroom" with heaven and earth as the classroom, society as the school, and history, culture and natural scenery as teachers.

There are also parents who say that “research” is a recipe for students to go out of “closed-door reading” by mobilizing the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, so that children can broaden their horizons and broaden their knowledge during the course of research and study. Better get exercise in practice.

  In recent years, children's participation in "research and study tours" has become a new trend.

Every summer, there are some mighty "research" teams in museums (hospitals), science and technology museums, natural landscapes, and farming experiences.

Especially those "study and study tours" that add traditional cultural elements have become a popular choice for parents and are favored by many parents and children.

  “I often bring my children to the museum, which not only stimulates the child’s curiosity, but also enjoys parent-child time.” On June 30, Zhengzhou citizen Mr. Zhao, who took his child from the Henan Museum of Natural History, said that during holidays, he Will choose to take their children out on a trip.

"For children, the best teacher is interest. The process of traveling is to cultivate children's interest."

  Mr. Zhao said that in order to increase children's exploration and interest in knowledge, it is necessary to strengthen children's participation and sense of experience.

For example, by reproducing traditional techniques, letting children watch porcelain making, picking tea and making tea, and then practice them, the children will be able to appreciate the charm of traditional culture.

  Zhang Dong, associate professor of Zhengzhou University's Business School, said that the so-called research is to let children "learn by traveling and research while learning" through various and creative content, and let children experience the joy of learning in practice.

  Talking about the phenomenon that "research and study travel" has gradually become "research and study fever", Zhang Dong said that this is actually a change in parents' educational concept, and the improvement of people's living standards is also one of the aspects.

"Parents recognize the importance of children's development in many aspects, and the concept of talent cultivation has changed. It is also related to the school's emphasis on quality education and students' desire to acquire knowledge."

  In addition to practical trips for research and studies, red tours and country tours are also entering the children's summer vacation life.

The "Witness·Red Central Plains" report exhibition, which has been jointly exhibited in more than 20 museums and memorial halls in Henan Province, the "Hongqi Canal Spirit Camp" in Linzhou City, and the "Companion Farming Companion Study Base" in Baofeng County, etc., are all welcomed in the summer. Many "small spectators, small tourists".
