Recently, a certain brigade of the Air Force in the Central Theater carried out exercises, garrison training, and live ammunition to ensure the reality of major tasks under the current field conditions, and organized and carried out the cooking profession in accordance with the "Army Meal Management Regulations", "Grass-roots Logistics Management Regulations" and other relevant regulations. Post training competition.

The competition is based on cooking guarantee under field conditions, and 4 subjects are set up. There are 6 teams and more than 30 cooks participate. The operation of the supply unit is required to quickly complete 4 hot dishes and 2 cold dishes within the specified time. The cooking of 2 staple foods and 1 soup, and the on-site scoring and appraisal, effectively improved the overall ability and quality of the cooking soldiers and the overall security level.

Photographic report by Li Jianfeng, Sun Mengfei, and An Muhong Photo source: China Military Network

Release time: 2021-07-01 14:25:30 【Editor: Yang Yanyu】