Why is it important to stay hydrated, especially during the summer?

On Europe 1, doctor Jimmy Mohamed explains the role of good hydration in the prevention of urinary tract infection and renal colic.

Two frequent pathologies linked to the proliferation of bacteria due to too concentrated urine.

Do you drink your liter and a half of water a day?

It seems trivial, but it is extremely important to hydrate well, especially in summer, because the lack of hydration is in particular at the origin of two extremely frequent pathologies.

On Europe 1, Tuesday, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed mentions in particular the importance of drinking frequently to avoid urinary tract infection and renal colic.

>> Find Jimmy Mohamed's column every morning at 8:37 am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

Concentrated urine, conducive to the development of bacteria

If you do not drink enough, the urine will be much more concentrated and therefore more conducive to the development of bacteria.

Moreover, in cases of urinary tract infection, in 25% of cases, it is possible to pass it simply by drinking plenty of water, and therefore to avoid taking antibiotics.

As for renal colic, it is the formation of a small stone, most often calcium, very concentrated when you do not drink enough, and which will block the passage of urine, most often between kidney and bladder.

This results in absolutely unbearable pain in the back.

Drink regularly, in small amounts

To avoid these inconveniences, which can take on significant proportions, it is advisable to drink water regularly throughout the day, in small quantities to be able to go to urinate regularly.

Indeed, the frequency of going to the toilet is almost as important as hydration.

Otherwise, tap water does the job perfectly.

No need to spend money on bottled mineral water.

First, distribution water in France is guaranteed to be drinkable by law and therefore extremely controlled, and all at a ridiculous cost.

In addition, when we drink bottled water, we ingest plastic microparticles that will mix with the water.

Not to mention the ecological impact of this plastic on our planet.