The summer solstice is one of the twenty-four solar terms,

June 21 or 22 on the Gregorian calendar each year

Regarding the sun moving to 90 degrees of the yellow longitude as the summer solstice,

At this time, the position where the sun hits the ground directly reaches the northernmost point of the year.

However, the summer solstice is not hot,

"Summer Solstice Three Geng several head volts."

The ancient Chinese divided the summer solstice into three periods:

In the first time the antlers are resolved, in the second time the cicadas begin to sing, and the third time is born in Pinellia.

The summer solstice is also an important traditional folk festival-the "Summer Solstice Festival".

In the folk, there are sacrifices to gods and ancestors, summer and summer holidays,

Customs such as eating noodles and eating rice dumplings.

The end of summer,

I only wish the breeze to cool you down,

Rain and dew will bring you refreshing, and bird singing will bring you joy,

May you be cool and comfortable all summer.

(PS: Have you discovered what food is hidden in the landscape in the painting?)

  Photography: Zhai Lu

  Drawing: Lei Yuzhu