It became known about the deployment of Javelin anti-tank systems by Poland in the east of the country.

A kind of demonstrative gesture with an application for the status of the vanguard of the fight against Russia.

History teaches nothing ...

The complexes were purchased from the States for $ 100 million; the State Department blessed their sale last year.

The deployment of Javelin was announced by the Polish Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Blaszczak.

According to him, we are talking about "a whole system of deterring a potential aggressor."

Who is our aggressor?

That's right - Moscow, its Western agitprop rhymed with this concept for a long time.

Although he does not attack anyone, he is the default aggressor.

They say that Russia is big, and who knows what thoughts-horses are hovering in its vastness ... The Polish authorities are actively intimidating their population with news that our country has developed plans for an invasion.

What for?

So the aggressor, isn't it clear?

It makes no sense to explain that Russia does not need Poland in any form and sauce, except for the format of good-neighborliness. They have their own reasons, because, most likely, we are not talking about Russian, but about Polish ambitions. And in this context, the message of confrontation or "containment of the aggressor" sounds completely different. This includes the attack. And in such a context, plans and appetites are fairly easy to calculate.

At one time, the collapse of the USSR opened the era of dreamers. Redistribution of the world, of course, their lot, no less. Polish political circles have realized that the time of their great power is on the way, the main thing is not to miss the bird of luck. And then not only will the historical territorial integrity of this country be "restored", all the painstakingly recorded grievances will be avenged, but the status of a regional gendarme can also be acquired. It is difficult to judge how far the dreams of the Polish political establishment extend; it is possible that they secretly think that it is not they, but the States who are doing their will and are dancing to the tunes of a secret tune to implement a global historical mission. Zbigniew Brzezinski won't let you lie ...

In fact, after such news announced by the Polish Minister of Defense, it is time for the Ukrainian authorities to think if they are adequate. Mariusz Blaszczak talked about "containing the aggressor" at the training ground with the iconic name of Kiev. Demonstration exercises were held there. Is this not an indication of the vector of politics and the application of forces?

The behavioral model of such "containment" is built quite easily.

At the first stage of the Polish confrontation with the "aggressor" there may be plans to "return" Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

In Poland, there are regular statements about the possibility of taking Galicia.

This does not require any hostilities and conflicts, only permanent chaos in Ukraine is needed.

Or, for example, provoking the Ukrainian authorities to take active steps in the Donbass in order to achieve a response from Moscow, then it will be quite possible to "protect" the tidbit of Independence.

A similar recipe for creating chaos and turmoil is applicable to Belarus.

It is no coincidence that it was Poland that acted as the "spiritual leader" of last year's riots in this country.

At the second stage of the scenario of "containment of aggression" under Polish sauce, there may be plans to completely take over or make vassals Ukraine and Belarus prepared by chaos.

What's good to be lost? ..

Further, gazes at Russia with a scalpel in hand.

Hold back so hold back.

The new False Dmitry is on the doorstep, why not?

The collapse of the Soviet Union and Russia's troubled nineties showed that nothing is impossible.

And Poland, as a former part of the Russian Empire, may well wish to declare itself the legal successor of historical Russia.


Of course, but only not for the bright minds of political and great-power dreamers who frighten them with a mythical aggressor with plans for an invasion, while they themselves want to become deliverers, liberators, rulers of justice ...

Some very old and repeated history.

It is strange that it does not teach anything.

This was already the case in the 19th and 20th centuries: Poland was involved in a general campaign to the East, and after that it lost its statehood, and all ambitions turned into a pose of sacrifice and vows of revenge.

And now the main source of Polish anti-Russian passion is the world conjuncture: the United States is putting pressure on Russia, erupting lightning bolts of sanctions, and the old historical instinct-trauma immediately turns on, tantamount to a moth flying on a candle flame.

Poland offers its services, tries to stake out the main place in the front column of the campaign against Russia, in order not only to gain the affection of the patron, but also to get its own benefits.

All right, Polish politicians would play behind the scenes in their alternative stories and indulge in dreams, if they didn’t think to turn all this into reality. There they constantly irradiate Belarus with their voices of democracy, sing with sirens, call and seduce. Now American anti-tank complexes are being waving to make themselves more convincing - they are dancing with spears around the fire.

There is in all this an element of manipulating stereotyped images. Since the days of the Cold War, a propaganda image of the Soviet-Russian threat has developed in the form of a tank armada, which crushes the shoots of civilization, democracy and freedom with its caterpillars. The Javelin complex in this context becomes a kind of vaccine against "Russian armor". A kind of coveted American pill, driving out the aggressor, as in fairy tales, an object endowed with miraculous properties.

Now Poland has these American "spears" - a new fetish, or a sacred amulet for good luck in "good" endeavors.

At one time in the Soviet Union, chewing gum and jeans were endowed with the same almost mystical power.

It was thought that through communion with these braces of the Western world superhero abilities would be acquired - and everything around would be transformed in an instant.

As a result - the collapse and collapse of dreams.

Moreover, the Polish authorities also have obvious complexes of Napoleons.

It seems that it was not in vain that they joined the emperor's wagon train at one time.

They are nostalgic and dream of a new one, who will lead on a campaign for a cherished dream, and if it does not work out, then the usual thing will remain - to portray a victim.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.