It is again possible to bask on the beaches of Porto-Vecchio and Bonifacio, a week after the start of the oil pollution episode facing Corsica.

The bathing ban was lifted this Thursday on all the beaches of the Gulf of Porto-Vecchio with the exception of “the Porto-Novo sector” which is “awaiting an imminent improvement”, indicated the town hall of Porto-Vecchio on its website.


The ban on anchoring, navigation and the practice of nautical activities in the 300-meter strip along the coast of the town is also "lifted", according to the same source.

These prohibition measures were taken following the appearance on Monday evening of two oil slicks in the Gulf of Porto-Vecchio.

Since the spotting on Friday off Corsica of two oil slicks about 35 km long, probably due to the degassing of a ship, significant resources have been deployed in the air, at sea and on land to fight against pollution.

Most of the deposits spotted off Corsica had been recovered on Tuesday afternoon and the beaches had reopened in the north of the island, but a threat remained in the south and in particular Porto-Vecchio and Bonifacio where the beaches had been closed Tuesday evening.


Corsica: The Territorial Collectivity files a complaint after the oil pollution episode


Corsica: The coast still threatened by oil pollution

  • Opening

  • Oil

  • Oil spill

  • Beach

  • Pollution