The Dragon Boat Festival shows that the movie is returning to rationality

  As of 0:00 on June 15, the total box office of the Dragon Boat Festival in 2021 exceeded 460 million yuan, with a total of 12.9836 million attendances and a total of 1.308 million shows.

This total number of games set a new record for the number of games in the Dragon Boat Festival of Chinese film history.

However, this year's Dragon Boat Festival stalls hit a record low in the box office of the Dragon Boat Festival stalls since 2015.

There are too many shows, but the box office of the Dragon Boat Festival is not satisfactory. What is the reason?

  In fact, the above data just shows that the Chinese film market has returned to rationality and has re-entered a stage of stable development.

Therefore, the public need not worry too much about the prospects of Chinese films.

At the beginning of this year's Spring Festival and the Qingming Festival not long ago, Chinese movie box offices have repeatedly set new highs, showing a strong "rebirth" trend.

This is closely related to the long-term closure of theaters and the increasing demand for audiences.

However, with the normalization of epidemic prevention and control measures, theaters in most regions of the country have returned to normal operations.

In other words, both the theater and the audience can maintain a sense of peace.

  Before the Dragon Boat Festival, many movies temporarily announced their withdrawal.

Movies such as "What Do Two Brothers Are Here" and "Wuhai" all have very attractive points to watch. They re-selected the release time by coincidence. The reason may not be lack of confidence and fear of competition.

Previously, the popular schedule scenes were hot and the competition was fierce, but during the entire schedule, the films gathered together to form an "involved" scene, which was not conducive to the long-term development of Chinese films.

The quality of some films is not bad, but they suffer from "Waterloo" because of the similar genre and insufficient film arrangement.

Many viewers reported that there are too many films to enjoy.

I believe no one wants to see excellent works buried.

The "refined troops and streamlined administration" of the Dragon Boat Festival is also a timely and necessary adjustment.

  The Dragon Boat Festival movie does not lead the headline blockbuster, but it provides the audience with more diverse and rich choices.

"Beyond" focuses on sports inspiration, not only leading the box office results, but also allowing the audience to shine and feel full of sincerity; "Tropical Memoirs" is full of literary and artistic style, which fully mobilizes the audience's emotions in an ambiguous and fuzzy atmosphere; "Sunshine" "Sister Amoy" has nostalgia and emotion, and touched the hearts of many viewers with sisterhood; "When a man is in love" earned a lot of tears from the audience with its poignant love and realistic style...In short, there is no special movie in the Dragon Boat Festival. Eye-catching work, but it gives more opportunities for film appearances, and audiences can get what they want.

It is dazzling to stand alone, but the Chinese film market and Chinese audiences obviously want to see a hundred flowers blooming and a hundred schools of thought contend.

Therefore, we should also look at the box office performance of the Dragon Boat Festival with a more rational eye.

What's more, data can't represent everything.

  Of course, although the number of movies on the Dragon Boat Festival is large, each has its own shortcomings, and there is still room for improvement.

For example, some works are more obscure and difficult to understand; some works are remakes of foreign films, and lack new ideas.

After all, speaking with works can truly win the hearts of the audience.

Rather than value box office data, it is better to devote yourself to creating and dedicate more outstanding works to the audience.

I believe that by then, the audience will definitely vote with their feet and return the creators' intentions with their enthusiasm for watching movies.

  Throughout the world, thanks to strong epidemic prevention measures and the active cooperation of the public, the speed of "recovering blood" in the Chinese film market is still among the best.

There are challenges as well as opportunities. It depends on whether the majority of practitioners can take advantage of the situation and boost the development of Chinese film.

Next, this year there will be a number of popular schedules for the audience to look forward to, and we are also looking forward to more outstanding works coming out.

(Author: Li Qinyu, a media commentator)