The total amount of tax evasion filed by the inspection department of the National Tax Bureau, so-called "Marusa", was 6.9 billion yen last year, which was the lowest ever due to the influence of the new coronavirus.

According to the National Tax Agency, there were 83 tax evasion cases filed by the National Tax Agency's Inspection Department in the year ending March.

It was 28% less than the previous year, and the lowest in 57 years since 1964.

In addition, the total amount of tax evasion decreased by more than 25% from the previous year to 6,926 million yen, the lowest since we started collecting statistics in 1972.

According to the National Tax Agency, the number of investigations has decreased due to the influence of the new coronavirus.

On the other hand, the number of "international cases" such as misusing the export tax exemption system for consumption tax and hiding funds overseas was 27, the highest number in the last five years.

The National Tax Agency also announced a method of hiding the funds in the case that was caught, and in the case of the Tokyo National Tax Bureau, about 660 million yen in cash was found in the cardboard box and disaster prevention bag hidden under the mattress of the bed. In addition, about 60 million yen in cash was found in the suitcase in the office closet.

Kazutoshi Harada, Chief of the Inspection Division of the National Tax Agency, said, "Although the influence of Corona was not a little, the increase in the detection of international cases is a result. I would like to continue to take measures against Corona and work on the investigation firmly." I'm talking.