[Foreign Opera Team] Moroccan "Kung Fu Boy"'s Martial Arts Road

  From his third year in high school, he began to study Chinese martial arts in the local martial arts gymnasium in Morocco, and now he is studying Chinese martial arts in China. Although Du Zhiyuan, a Moroccan international student, has been studying martial arts, his dream of learning Chinese martial arts has never stopped.

  Du Zhiyuan's first acquaintance with Chinese martial arts came from the impression of Chinese Kung Fu movies.

Just like the plot in the movie, he once thought that all Chinese people are good at kung fu.

Later, through his professional studies at the Wushu College of Beijing Sports University, Du Zhiyuan's "kung fu" became more and more refined.

While mastering more professional technical movements, his understanding of Chinese martial arts has gradually become deeper.

  For the future, Du Zhiyuan made a specific plan to promote Chinese martial arts.

He hopes to combine the Chinese he has learned with martial arts, and translate Chinese martial arts teaching videos and books into other languages, so that more people in more countries around the world can learn about professional Chinese martial arts.

  Reporter Xu Pengpeng reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]